Wednesday, January 18, 2023

list? who needs a stinkin list?

 Me for one; I need a list

    I sat down two days ago and made a list of all the things I need to get done.  I think there were 18 or so items on the list.

    Some of them were pretty small.....write a letter, send an e mail....but some of them were larger, like finish taking down the tiles in the basement.

    On Friday our generator will be hooked up.  The guy has to run a wire from the gas meter to the electric box.  They are on opposite ends of the basement.

    I needed to take down the tin ceiling because that is where the wires and pipes are.  

    Hard to explain, but that part of the ceiling is about 10 inches lower than the rest.  I guess you could call it a soffit, if that is a word that applies.

    Anyway, years ago friends Dan and John came out and helped me put the tins up.  Actually, they did all the work.  I had a bad shoulder and could not lift my arm.  I delegated.

    We were extremely careful in making sure everything was aligned.  All the tiles were screwed up (I should say attached with screws)  because I knew there was a possibility of them having to come down someday.

    I took the first five or six down by myself, but it was hard.  Julia helped tonight and we got about 8 down in less then 30 minutes.  The trick will be getting them back up.

    The upside is I have had to do a little straightening up in the basement.  I found lots of stuff I had forgotten about...and it will eventually end up at Pickin Station.  I collected lots of cool stuff and now my treasures can become someone elses.

    Here we are in mid January and it is pouring outside.  Plus the wind is howling, again.  If it was 10 degrees colder I am sure we would be having a blizzard.

    And I don't mean one from DQ!

Peace and Love

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