Thursday, January 19, 2023

my mouff hurz

 We buy a lot of stuff from kids in school

    A young man came to our door months ago selling a frozen pastry product.

    Hoping they were like Butter Braids (they are not) I bought a package of Cherry bites.

    They are not bad.  They are about 2 inches square and bake in about 16 minutes. There is a generous cherry filling, which attracted me because I love cherry.

    That was about 4 months ago.

    There were 12 in a package.  Julia didn't like then, so Jackie and I were the consumers.

    We finished the package this morning and it caused a bit of a physical problem for me.

    They baked at 400 degrees for 18 minutes.  There were 4 of them.

    I frosted them.  Put them on plates.  Gave Jackie 2.  I kept 2.

    I sat down with my tea and bit into the first one.

    Hotter than hell!!!!  The cherry filling was like lava from a volcano!

    I grabbed for the first thing I could think of, which was my hot tea.


    I put a spoon full of yogurt in my mouth, mixing it with the tea and pastry and that seemed to cool it down.

    "Don't eat yours right away," I croaked to Jackie.  "It's pretty hot."

    Now the roof of my mouth is blistered.  I had some crackers at lunch and it hurt to chew.  I felt like a toddler, mashing them up with my teeth carefully.  Come to think of it, that is how I eat now.

    Last night I was playing spider solitaire and there was a commotion on the porch.  Jackie heard it too.

    I went out and Julia's snowman had blown over in the wind and was rolling around like it had been tased.  I brought him in for the night

    Today I went out and plastic flowers in my planter were scattered all over the porch, my snow measuring stick was pulled out of the ground and my rain guage was sideways. And when you think of that, I don't think my rain guage and snow measuring stick have ever been in the yard at one time.

    The wind was pretty strong.  

    Luckily there was no real damage to anything, just a lot of noise.

    That's it!

    Peace and Love

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