Friday, January 20, 2023

re do

I had to redo part of my post last night

    It seems I used a word that is a vulgarity in the slang world.  I think I knew that, but I think I know a lot of things I don't.

    So.....quick redo to please some of my more perverted followers.  And I mean that in a good way.

    You may not have even noticed....which is ok.

    I flunked one course in high school.  Typing.  I might have been the only boy in the class, because then girls were often steered into the secretarial type classes:  typing, shorthand, and whatever else seemed to fit.

    This was a semester class.  We were expected to type 40 words a minute with 5 or less mistakes.  This was in the days when you had to really be careful because White Out wasn't even invented.  I think we had something like a typewriter ribbon that was white that we could overstrike the mistake.

    But I digress.

    We could only make 5 mistakes.

    I had no trouble typing the 40 wpm.  It was the mistakes that hurt.  I would have 7 or 8, which wasn't good enough.

    I think it was the last week of class I hit 44 wpm with 6 mistakes.  The teacher was really sweet about it.  She said I didn't meet the goals and could not pass the course.

    It was one of the most valuable classes I have ever taken.  I can type without looking at the keys.  I can type when someone is talking to me or when listening to music.  Using a computer is a lot easier, because I can backspace.  But I still don't make a lot of mistakes.

    So explain to me how I sat down to work on something and was typing away, looking at the words I was copying, and I looked up to find gibberish on the screen.

    I had my right handed fingers on the wrong keys!  I wasn't on the home keys, I was one off. All my h letters came out as g, and my k came out an l. and on and on.  I deleted and started again. I looked up and my left hand was off the home keys!  More gibberish. 

    I slowed down and made sure my fingers were in the right place, my feet flat on the floor, and my back straight.

    But I also notice there are somewords I just can't remember how to spell.  Vaccuum or vacuum or vaccum?  Embarassment or enbarrassment?  Calendar, calander or calandar?  I need to develop a cheat sheet for those words.  I know there are others, but I can't think of them now.  And yes, spell check helps.  But for some reason, spell check does not work on my blog.

    Go figure.

Peace and Love

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