Saturday, January 21, 2023

bow wow

 We went to a meet and greet today

    We traveled to Dixon to get information on dogs that are up for adoption.

    We talked to a nice lady who listened to our concerns:  older dog, female, house broken, able to have an invisible fence. cute. and likes to cuddle.

    They have a couple of dogs that fit the bill, so I am going to fill out the application.

    We'll see.

    You may have heard about Dixon a few years ago.  One of the nonelected city officials managed to embezzle  over $53 million in city funds. 

    Dixon is not a big city and does not have a budget big enough not to notice $53 was missing.  Granted, Rita Crundwell did it over several years, but still.  If I remember, she went on vacation and her vacation replacement became suspicious when she ran across hidden bank accounts.  I guess that's another reason not to ever take a vacation.

    You know those signs they have posted going into a town?  The brown ones that say things like, "Home of Peter Pinum, state wrestling champion," or, "home of the 1972 semi sectional qualifying horseshoe pitching team."  You nave seen them.

    Dixon should put one up saying, "Home of Rita Grundwell, biggest embezzler of municipal funds in the US."

    We stopped at Bakers Street, a coffee shop downtown.  Not affiliated with Sherlock Holmes.  They have the world's biggest muffins!  I bought some for breakfast tomorrow.  It's a great little place.

    On the way over to Dixon we went through a stretch of road that had snow alongside it.  No snow before, none after, but just a mile or two with snow along the road.  I keep thinking of Mr. Torres from grade school saying it has to start and stop someplace.  But it is still weird

    Friend Sheri came over last night and we had pizza and wine.  Julia, Emily, Jackie and I had a great time visiting and talking.  

    When the man hooked up the generator he said it will automatically start once a month as a test.  He set it up to go at 12 noon on the third Saturday of the month.

    When we were at the pet shop in Dixon Julia called and said the generator was running.  I told her to call the electrician and ask him what to do.

    After I hung up I remembered the test runs and called her back.  I told her not to worry, and she said it was already off.

    I should have told her, "Run like hell before it blows!"

    Jackie said not to.  I think it would have been funny.

Peace and Love

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