Friday, January 6, 2023

winner, winner, chicken dinner

 Gosh, this was a good day for me

    I go to Cypress House often for coffee.

    They have a punch card, every 10 coffees you  buy you get a free one.  This year after you get the free one, you could put your name on the back of the card and enter a drawing.

    I walked in today to get a coffee and I hear my name mentioned.  Four of the Cypress House girls came marching out and Emily showed me a video of the drawing. 

    I won!  The Grand Prize!!

    They had just finished the drawing a couple of minutes before I entered.  Talk about great timing!

    I received a very nice gift card and a 5 pound bag of coffee. 

    This was totally unexpected because I never win anything!

    Tonight Renee and Wendy came over and we had raclette.

    This is pretty popular in Switzerland.  There is a heating element and a granite stone about 2 inches above the heating element.  We cook bacon and beef on the stone, but you can also cook chicken or veggies.  On the bottom of the set up are spaces to put a little triangular tray.  We fill the tray with cheese, which melts in the heat.  Then you scrape the cheese over potatoes.

    We have cornishons, onion, tomato, and green pepper to add onto the pile.

    It is delicious.

    It is also a very social meal.  You are constantly interacting with the other diners, which makes for greag conversation.

    Thanks for coming over and thanks for the delicious peach cobbler dessert!  It was a fun time for all of us.

    Tomorrow I think I will get a chicken dinner, because today I am a winner!

Peace and Love

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