Wednesday, February 1, 2023

still screwed

 I am unable to fix my vacuum

    Neighbor Bob came down with some torque screwdrivers, but they were all too big.  So he kindly took my canister back to his house to try some others, but nothing going.

    I am headed to Rockford tomorrow, maybe I will take it to a vacuum repair place up there.  Or maybe I should just order a new one.

    And upon further review, I think I need a new one.  The ring I have is supposed to slip under some catches, but three of the catches are gone.  Maybe that is why it fell apart.

    Oh hell.  

    I guess I will go on line after this and see if I can order a new canister.

    Jackie had her hair done today.  While she is at the stylist, I go across to Acres Bistro for a coffee and a dessert.  (I know!  I compalin about my weight and then I go do something like that!  No wonder I don't lose any weight!)

    Usually when I go in, they give me a little crystal glass of coffee and I get refills.  Today she gave me a huge take out cup and said, "I know you love your coffee. Terry."

    They were out of desserts except for freshly baked chocolate chip cookies....which I shared with Jackie.  And I did get a refill, which means I won't sleep well tonight.

    I messed up again.  Jackie's hair appointment was at noon.  I thought it was at 12:30, because I could not read her handwriting.  We picked up her new eyeglasses at 11:45, and I said we had time to kill, and suggested we drive past our first house down on Southview Drive.

    It was about 12:10 when Jen the hair person called and asked where we were, because she had a noon appointment.  We got there at 12:15, which  backed Jen up a little.  I apologized and told her it was my fault.  I also told Jackie not to write appointments in pencil anymore.

    Now I am on my second glass of wine.  What is shocking is it is white wine, which I normally avoid like a bad cold.

    Every once in a while you just need to change things up a bit.  And wish you had spell check.

Peace and Love

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