Saturday, December 31, 2022

oh nuts!

I think I hate to see 2022 leave 

    Not that it has been a great year, but it means I am another year older.

    Now, to show how goofy I have become:

    I have been looking for a  Christmas present I bought for Jackie.  I bought it in October and put it in a spot where I would not lose it and she would not see it.  But I could not find it!

    Recently, could have been last night, I don't remember, Julia asked when I found the nightgown. I said I didn't.  She said that Jackie was wearing it.  I said that was the nightgown Julia have her.  Julia didn't give her a nightgown.

    For the past week I have  been looking for a present I already gave her.

    If I am doing that at 74, what will I be like at 75? least the mystery is solved.

    Have a happy, healthy New Year.  If you are going out, be sure to be safe and don't drive impaired!  

Peace and Love

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