Wednesday, December 30, 2015

did you miss me?

I'm going to blame last night on the cherry brandy

     We went out with the family and friends for pizza.  Ate at a really nice place in Cherry Valley.  The town looked great, with all the trees wrapped in white lights....wish Rochelle would do that.
     Anyway, I had a couple of glasses of wine with supper.
     When we got to young Steve's house, he poured me a little home made cherry brandy.
     On top of the wine, and being tired, it was enough that Jackie had to drive home.
     When we got home, I went straight to bed.  Seriously.  I was tired.
     I think that is only the second time I have missed writing in two years.  Not bad for someone who can't finish stuff.
     I would have mentioned the snow/sleet we had has posed an interesting problem.
Little Corki goes out onto the porch and pees.  Then she wanders out into the snow.
     Now, there is snow on the porch so I am guessing she just gets confused.  I often do the same thing.  Get confused, not pee on the porch.
     So tomorrow I will scrape the snow off the porch.  Maybe that will help.
     Jan. 14 will be a big day for me.  I am getting my hernia fixed.  I will be unable to drive for a while, or lift objects heavier than a gallon of milk.  That should be interesting, considering wifey's balance issues and her tendency to bend over to pick up stuff on the ground.
     If she does that when I am recovering, she will have to lie there until help arrives.  I will gladly bring her milk, but won't be able to lift her.
     I know it is not a big surgery.  But to be honest, it scares the hell out of me.  I don't like hospitals, needles, blood, incisions.....and I don't think most people do.  But other people tolerate it so much better than I do.
     I guess I never found my big boy pants.
     And honestly, why start now?
     Peace and love to all.....and tomorrow is the big day!  A new year will start.  Hope it is better than this one!

Monday, December 28, 2015

It's gotta be true

I am about to get $2 million!

    It's true!! Some guy named Mark, or Marc, or Steve, or whoever is going to give me a lot of money because I shared his post with 265 of my closest Facebook friends.
    Oh sure, I know you doubters are laughing.  You won't get the money, because you didn't share and take up all that space on a FB page because you don't believe.
    What else don't you believe in?
    The Tooth Fairy?
    Easter Bunny?
    Cubs winning it all in 2016?
    Bears winning again this season?
    And maybe my Nigerian uncle hasn't sent me the money yet, but the pols in Illinois haven't come up with a budget either, and that may be harder to swallow than the one billion canasta chips they are sending to me because they can't keep them in their country and all they needed was a small donation to cover shipping.
    Ah yes.....I will be rolling in dough.
     Because we all know that when it is on the Internet, it is true.  And when someone e-mails you, it is ok because people who use e-mail are honest people and never lie.
     I just wonder when I get the title to that bridge in New York so I can start collecting tolls.
     Peace and love to all and keep on believing, no matter how incredibly unlikely the promise is.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

baby, it's cold outside

I think the wether is changing

     I stuck my nose out the front door and it is cold!  And the wind is picking up.  Maybe the forecast for tomorrow is right, whatever it is.
     I used to look forward to winter storms.  I would make sure the wood stack was full, I would have 4 or 5 gallons of water filled.  I would put water in the bathtub.  I am convinced I could have held out two or three days.
     But now?  Not so much.
     We have a gas fireplace.  If the power goes out, we will be cold.  No wood to burn, no water saved, not any preparation done at all.
     We should at least have a gallon or two to flush with!
     City folk don't understand.  We have a well.  The well runs on electricity.  No electricity, no water.  No water, no flush.  The old motto kicks in:  If it's brown, flush er down.  If it's yellow, let it mellow.
     I guess it's never too late.  I could fill up some buckets and a gallon jug or two, just in case.
We've not actually encountered a real winter storm in the new house.  I imagine it will stay warm for a bit, and sweatshirts will be the norm.
     But I will miss the comfort a wood burning fireplace brings.
     And if the power goes, I will miss it's warmth!
     Have a safe day out there tomorrow...or rather, today.  Don't do anything stupid behind the wheel.
     Have a great Monday.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

what's the forecast?

Do I understand we may get snow Monday?

     I just saw a post on Facebook for a winter storm watch for our area on Monday.  Some forecast.
     That figures.  Three days after Christmas, and we will get white.
     I can't remember the last Christmas that we didn't have some snow on the ground.  Years ago. living on Skare Court with the pool, we had a 70 degree Christmas day.  I remember seeing a fox in our back yard.  He looked a little confused.  But that was years ago.
     I thought today was Friday.  It just didn't seem like a Saturday.
     Our garbage went out and actually mostly got picked up.  Two of the lighter bags blew into the field.  I got then and will save them for next week.
     I have a confession:  I did not recycle the wrapping paper.  I am not sure I can.  Julia buys the really shiny stuff, and I don't know if that recycles.  It was too hard to keep the shiny/non shiny separate, so they all went into one bag.  Actually, several bags.  I do feel bad about that.  I try hard every day to recycle and then Christmas comes and bam.....toss, toss, toss.
     But the two bags that blew away were maybe I will go through them and pull out the paper.  I don't think tissue paper recycles either.
     I went to the store to look for a deal on LED lights.....nobody had them in the after Christmas sale areas.  Of course, it was almost 3 when I went.  Last year there were hundreds of boxes at Wally World, but today, none.
     Go figure.
     It's funny how quickly Christmas seems to have come and gone.  Poof.  Gone.
     Isn't it strange that the turkey lasts longer than the holiday.
     Excuse me, I've gotta find the Tums.
     Peace and love to all.

Friday, December 25, 2015

counting my blessings

I really have had a wonderful life

     Yes, the movie makes me realize that.  Every year.
     Two great daughters, an awesome future son in law, a future fantastical step grand child and a wonderful wife ... as you can guess, it was a pretty wonderful day.
     I need Tums tonight....ate too much!
     And tomorrow, Corki and I are going back to daily walks......  that has gotten away from us.
     Tonight I am tired,  Happy, but tired.
     Now the dishes are done, the wrappings picked up, the garbage put out and I think I am going to bed to dream sweet memories of today.
    Peace and love to all.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

and so it is, once again

Merry Christmas to all

     That's it.  Hope you and your family and your friends have a blessed Christmas, a happy holiday, or whatever you are celebrating.
    It is almost 10....and I have wrapping to do and a movie to watch.
    Kind of my holiday tradition....I have a glass of eggnog and watch "It's a Wonderful Life" and yes, I do get teary at the end.
     I have to keep telling myself, no man is a failure who has friends. Thank you Clarence for the reminder.
     Love and peace to all this blessed night.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

oops....I'm not a chef

I failed at a simple task last night

     I wanted to make chocolate covered pretzels.  I wanted to do white chocolate and milk chocolate.
     I thought it would be easy.
     I got the white chocolate and put it in a double boiler and set the temp on high.  Then I sat back and waited.
     Well......turns out double boilers are tricky.  Don't let the water boil real rapidly.  Oops.  Make sure water doesn't boil into chocolate.  Oops.    Don't have the flame on high.  Oops.  Stir constantly.  It didn't look soft enough to stir.
   Result:  A glob of white chocolate that would not stay on a pretzel rod, spoon, or anything else.  It was pretty crumbly.
    So, second attempt.  (After wifey suggests using the microwave.)  I use a sauce pan and put it on low heat.  And stir.  And stir. And wander off to do something.  And stir.   And keep it on the flame.  And wander away.  Result:  A crumbly mess that doesn't stick to spoons or pretzels.
     So I put it in the microwave.  I use my third batch of white chocolate chip morsels (is that an oxymoron?) and put the microwave on for one minute.
    Have you ever seen white chocolate form a cloud and rise to the top of a pan?  I have, and it is kind of neat but it produces a crumbly mess that does not stick to spoons or pretzels
     Jackie then takes another batch and nukes it for 20 seconds and stirs.  Puts it in 20 seconds and stirs.  Puts it in 20 seconds and stirs.  Turns out nice and creamy and goes on pretzels.  Lesson learned:  Listen.
     Today I made some short bread.  This is my second batch.  The first batch did not turn out as well as I hoped, so I had to eat it.
     This batch was much better.
     I had an Uncle Jim, who had a wonderful Scottish lady living with him.  I always thought Minkie was Jim's mother, but brother Carl told me no, they were not related.  She just lived with them.  She was considerably older than Jim but I loved the gal.  She taught me how to make pink tea (tea, cream and plenty of sugar) and how to drink it from a saucer.  She also made the best short bread I have ever eaten.  She had no recipe.  Later in life, she told me how to make it, but nothing was written down.  I followed her directions but it never turned out as good as hers.  I keep trying, but it doesn't happen.  I may have to go to a psychic reader to get the answers.
     And Jackie did the chocolate pretzel rods.   First try, everything worked well.
     I guess I am not meant to be a chef, or even a guy who can prepare basic food.
     But thanks to my wife, we have what I started out to make.
     All in all, it was a good day and a half.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

just follow the light

I took Jackie to a light show tonight

     We went over to Elburn to the Larsen house, located north of 38 off Anderson Road.  He won the 2013 light fight, what ever that is.
     I have never seen 1,000,000 lights flicker on and off.  Yes, 1 million lights.  Six zeros.
     No, they are not all on at once, but it is pretty impressive.
     There was a bit of a crowd.  We waited about 45 minutes to an hour just to get to the parking lot.   Then we watched the show for about 30 minutes and left.  And you don't really get out of your car, because the music is played on an FM channel of limited range.
     It was crowded.  No, it was packed.
     Traffic on Beith Road and Anderson Road was backed up for a couple of miles in the east and north directions.  There was even a school bus!
     Lights and lasers were used to create a veritable kaleidoscope of colors on his house.  He had lasers that looked like fireworks.  In addition to Christmas songs, he had a tribute to the armed forces and the the Chicago Blackhawks, all synced to appropriate music, including Chelsea Handler.  Names of the branches of service flashed across the walls and members of the Stanley Cup champs were spelled out in various lights.
     We decided to take Corki with, because we figured it was a good car ride for her.
     After leaving the show, Corki got pretty whiny and antsy, so I pulled into a subdivision and took her for a short walk.
     I stopped the car, put on her leash, opened my door, stepped out and nearly broke my leg as the car started moving forward with my feet out the door.
     I forgot to put it in park.
     I scrambled back in as Jackie was yelling to hit the brake...a tough thing to do when you are out of the car.
     Luckily I stopped it before moving out into traffic or across the road into a ditch.
     On the plus side, Corki had to pee..... so it was worth it.
     The light show runs to Jan. 2.  times are 5-10:30 Monday through Thursday and 5 - 12 midnight Friday through Sunday.  There is a website with directions.  Google Larsen light house in Elburn and you will have no problem finding it.
     It was pretty impressive and I wouldn't mind going back again, maybe after Christmas when the crowds thin a little.  Maybe.
     Makes me want to buy more lights for next year.  Not a million more, but maybe a couple of hundred.
     But you'll just have to hum when you drive past my will not be part of the display.

Monday, December 21, 2015

holy cow!!

I may be losing my mind...again, still!

     We went out to eat tonight to celebrate John's college graduation.
     His favorite place is a restaurant in DeKalb/Sycamore that specializes in wings......wild wings, Buffalo style.  Got it?
     The garage door opener in the van stopped working.  I won't tell you why, but it just did.
     I keep forgetting to reprogram it, so we get in the car, back out, I get out and close the door with the big garage button, open the other door, exit and close that one with the remote.   Whew!!~  You are right, it is difficult.  Why not just reprogram it?
     So tonight we came home and I decided to do that.  Understand, we had four cars over there because everybody was coming from somewhere else.
     I pull into the driveway and see the door is open.  Huh, I thought.  I must have forgotten to close it.
     I go into the house and the Christmas tree is on.  I say out loud, "How did I miss turning off the tree?"
     A voice answers, "I just turned it on."
     And there is Julia.  I asked her how did you get home?
     "I drove."
     Then where's my car?
     "In the garage?"
     No, it's not.  I would have seen it.
     So I go back into the garage and there sits my car.
     How the hell did I miss my car?
     I look at Jackie and say, "Julia's home."  She looks at me and asks, "How did she get home?"
    "She drove my car, remember?"
     The two of us could not figure out the car sitting in the garage was driven by Julia.
     At least I got the opener reprogrammed quickly.
     If I get any denser, I will end up a 2 by 4.
     The dead deer is gone.  Evidently it got up and walked off on its three remaining legs.  It was there Sunday morning and gone Sunday night.
    Should have sawed off those antlers when I had a chance.
     Now a new mystery:  What happened to it?  It was too big to be dragged off by animals, there are no tire tracks, and there are no bloody remains.
     At least the fear of coyotes in the neighborhood has lessened.
     Good night, and good dreams.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

where is Loudon Wainwright when we need him?

I have some venison for free

   Well, technically I don't have it.  There is an 8 point buck dead in the field next to our house.  My friend Steve counted the points.
     It looks like it has been hit by a car....back leg is badly misshapen.  It has been dead a while.
     I have fears about this dead animal.  Coyotes will eventually find it.  When I let my little Sweetie out at night (No Beth, I am not talking about Jackie.  She is a sweetie but I don't put her out at night.) I am worried a hungry coyote will grab her and drag her off.
     So now I go out with her.  I am wondering if I should go back to a leash at night for a while.  I'd hate for anything to happen to her.
     I have not heard coyotes, yet.  But some animal is eating the buck.  The hind end has damage, and there is a pile of what looks like dog feces on top of the deer, sort of like a territorial display.
     I do want to go out and saw off the antlers.....I know that sounds gross.  But the deer is dead and won't feel it.
     Unlike turkeys.
     There were protests at a Whole Foods store in Chicago today.  People from some animal welfare group were protesting because one of the suppliers of turkeys to the store may have mistreated the birds while raising them to be slaughtered.
     WGN News reported the protesters said the birds suffered psychological trauma while being raised for consumption.
     Really?  How the hell do you know when a turkey has suffered psychological trauma?  Does it babble in a strange tongue?  Does it look up into the rain and try to drown itself?  Does it drink excessively?   Does it root for the Bears?   Oh wait...It's a TURKEY!!
     Jiminy Cricket.
     I love animals.  But I also like to eat turkey.  So I hope my Butterball was treated in a respectful manner, because I wouldn't want it to have died with a heavy mind.....just a couple of heavy breasts and two drumsticks.
     I had a domestic chicken out at the zoo today.  A group of little ones were waiting to pet it when an adult asked, "What's it's name."  I told him.  He said he had a chicken at his house.  Then he asked me, "Do you know what we call him?  Dinner."
     I think the kids were confused.
     I asked an older child if he had ever touched a chicken before.
     Without batting an eye he answered, "Only fried ones."
     It was a long 30 minutes.
     But a good crowd.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

what do I get?

I am starting to have present panic

     As in:  Did I buy the right gift?  Will they like it?
     I have bought some weird presents in the past.  Practical, but weird.  One year I got the girls home fire extinguishers.  Of course, Julia moved to Switzerland and Emily's was last seen heading north east at a high rate of speed.
     I like to get them one present Jackie didn't even consider.  But I always went to True Value to find it.  Now, that's gone.  Or Moxie.  That's closed.
     Oh well.....guess I will have to be creative in another way.
     I always find myself wanting to buy more and more and more and more......even sometimes just buying something to buy it!  It's like a sickness.
     I know there are one or two little gifts I want to get.
     And I better start looking for them...I am running out of time.
     Seattle, I'm listening.

Friday, December 18, 2015

I may burst

I ate too much

     We had raclette tonight.  It's a Swiss dish.  You have cheese, potatoes, meats, and all sorts of other stuff.  You put the cheese under a heater and it melts, then you scoop it onto your potato.  We also grilled steak and bacon on top of the table.
     There was a lot of food.
     Thanks for sharing it with us SK.  Julia enjoyed the visit, as we all did.
     And Corki must have been happy because she didn't try many leg humps tonight.
     I saw a Facebook posting for two jobs in San Antonio.  One was for a user experience designer.   What the hell is that?  The other was for a digital director, which I can sort of understand, but the UXD name is just confusing.  I thought using their acronym would make you think I knew more than I do.
     After two weeks of trying, got the burned out light bulb changed in our track lighting system.      Sometimes the simpler things are, the harder they are to understand.  I just hope I remember how I did it next time.
     And here is a question.  The track lighting system has 5 lights.  All were installed at the same time.  It's been almost three years.....actually, it has been three years!  Time flies!  Why don't they all burn out at the same time, or relatively near the same time?  This is the second light to go and it may even be the second time for the same track light.  Huh.
     I visited a surgeon today.  He will repair my hernia Jan. 14, or 15, not sure exactly.  That gives me about 8 weeks before my big trip.  He said I will be healthy and hearty by then.
     That is if I don't have a stroke worrying about the surgery.
     Which I started to do when I made the appointment.
     That's it.
     Peace and love to all.....hope for snow on Christmas!!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

heaven, I'm in heaven

I think I want to move

     We went to a concert at Del Webb Sun City in Huntley tonight.
     What an amazing place!
     It's designed for seniors like us.  There is a huge activity center with a craft room, ceramics room, wood working shop, indoor gym with a track and three swimming pools.
     All the stuff I think is great but would never use.
     There was a board listing  activities such as plays in Chicago. plays at the center, trips to casinos......all lots of fun activities.
     I can picture myself on the porch of one of the homes, strumming my guitar and sipping wine with a group of like minded people who all think the nation will go down the tubes if the Donald gets elected.
     Never mind I don't have a guitar and would not strum it very well.  But I do drink the wine.
     The clubhouse....back to the clubhouse.  It is 94,000 square feet!  There's a card room, dance room, computer room. library, wood working area, ceramics class, sculpting class......holy cow!
     The whole place is 2,000 acres and has about 5,400 homes.   Jackie figured about a population of 10,000 when we were driving through, and truthfully, I had no idea it was that big.
     No yard to mow, no snow to blow, no noisy little kids running around because the community is limited to those 55 and older.....which surely fits us.
     Actually, not having little kids running around could be a drawback.  It's nice to see people of all ages getting together and visiting.
     And I enjoy puttering around on my mower in the summer, most of the time.
     Maybe it's not the place for me after all.
     The concert tonight featured violin players ages 7-17, or somewhere near that.  Camryn is in the group, so we went.
     Pretty impressive talents on display.
     The only weird thing was the leader of the group did a tribute to Sinatra as the final number.  He played the violin beautifully.
     He played "My Way" by old blue eyes, and as I looked around the room filled with older folks I thought of the first line:  And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain.
     Just seemed a little ironic to me.
     This senior is going to bed.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

letters, we get letters

I love the dreaded Christmas letters

     Really, I do.  I think it's the romantic in me.
     I love reading about kids, and grand kids and dogs and highlights of the family's life.  I don't like reading about sickness.  I remember when I was younger, a  relative would mail us a letter and it would be a litany of things that have gone wrong with their bodies.
     Or, exactly how my letters now sound.
     I've been doing a letter for several years.  Julia was still in Illinois when I did the first one, although she may have been on her way to the land of the Swiss.
     (Incidentally, Switzerland and Sweden are not the same.  Yes, both are in Europe and both start with an S....but they are not the same.  And Swaziland is not another name for Switzerland, it is a separate nation in Africa.  Toto taught me that.)
     My first letter was a little weird.  A friend of ours in Maryland got our card and immediately put the letter on the table.  His daughter picked it up and started reading, and was laughing hysterically and David could not understand why.
     After he read it, he called and we talked for quite a while.  He explained that he got the card and put the letter on a table, where it sat for several days.  He doesn't read Christmas letters.  But then his daughter found it and ...... well, that's about it.  He hasn't called since.
     Sometimes other people let me know they enjoy the letters.  One side is serious, and the other side is not.  People have the option of reading one side, both sides, or putting it on the table.
     And no, I don't send them to everyone.  Usually family always gets one, although we never get cards from my side of the family.  So I don't know if they get the $100 gift cards I send them all each year.  Just kidding.  I assume they get the cards, but there are no gifts.
     I remember the first letter I did;  Jordan was still playing for the Bulls.  Jackie may have just been diagnosed with MS, which puts it about 1998 or so.  My mind is fuzzy on dates.
     Anyway, I wish I had a copy of the letters I have sent.  Sadly, I did not think to keep a printed copy and we have changed computers during that time, so the early letters are lost.
     Someday, when I am famous, a tech guy will find them on my old computer and publish them.  I'll probably win a No Bell Prize for humor in a Christmas card.  I just hope I am around to accept the award.
     I just realized today I am closer to 68 than I am 67.  Julia has been in Switzerland for 13 years, 14 in March.  Emily has been a pharmacist for over 15.
     Time sure does fly when you are having fun.
     I just wish there was a way to slow it down a little so I could enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

moms, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys

I think I would be a baseball player

     If I had a son, or daughter, who was interested in sports, I think I would push them towards baseball.
     Have you seen the salaries out there?
     The new Cub outfielder got something like $181 million to sign with the Cubs.  MILLION!!  Pitchers getting hundreds of millions of dollars in their contracts, and pitchers who are not that great.       Sure, football has some big salaries too.  But there is the risk of a concussion, knee replacement, hip replacement, broken back, and getting your manhood squashed in a big pileup.
     Hockey players often lack teeth.  Basketball players are in a pretty safe sport, but there are less of them and your odds of making it big are far less than in baseball.
     Baseball?  A splinter could get you on the injured list.
     Think of it.  Each team has a 40 man roster.  Sure, only 25 at a time are on the big league club until September, but they have 40 people per team.  And the minor leagues?  Hundreds more.
     So many mediocre or borderline players hang on for years making $600,000 because they are not super stars, or all stars, but they do get the occasional hit., and that makes them valuable.
     Yes, most players don't make it....but you can say the same for football and basketball and any other pro sport.  Only a few make it.
     But baseball can be very rewarding as a career.
     I wonder if it is too late for me?

Monday, December 14, 2015

it's kind of crazy, ain't it

I don't want a drone for Christmas

     So if anyone got me one, please return it.
     Oh sure, it would be neat to fly it over the park and take pictures of animals and landscaping from above.  Or fly it over some one's house to see if they are sunbathing without any clothes on.  Or just hover outside a window to, uh.... watch tv.
     Wait a minute.  At least one of those sounds sane.  And legal.
     The FAA just came out with new regulations for drone users.  All drones over one half pound have to be registered along with their owners and the drones have to be implanted with a chip identifying the owner.
     So...... your drone needs to be registered, but you can buy an assault rifle and not have to register that, or implant a chip in that.  I guess drones are deadlier than some types of weapons.
     Which leads me to another question.  With the number of drones taking off (ok, I know it's a pun) why can't we buy surface to air missiles to protect our property?  After all, that drone might be armed and could do damage, so we should be able to protect our property by having small, shoulder held surface to air missiles.
     And since my neighbor has a surface to air missile, or at least could have one, maybe I should have a deterrent, like a small nuclear device that can be used if I feel threatened by an invading army from Chicago.  Or Creston.
     The arms race all over again, only a domestic race..... all caused by drones.
     That's why I don't want one for Christmas.
     After all, there has to be some sanity in this world.
     And don't get me started on lawn darts.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Home again, home again jiggity jig

My family is complete for a few weeks

    We picked up Julia at O'Hare tonight.  She flew Swiss Air from Switzerland and it was a long flight.
     Emily, Jackie, John and Camryn went to the airport.  Actually, Emily went shopping, so she met us there.
     We dropped Jackie off at arrivals and Camryn and John walked in with her.  All I had to do was park the car.
     Somehow, I missed the turn into the parking lot.  The next 10 minutes are a blur.  There were a couple of turns, cars honking, a u turn, and finally I saw a sign that said "Reentry to Terminals" and I followed that.  Another sign said "International", so I followed that and eventually found the parking lot.
     I Swear......
     It's great having my Swiss daughter back in the US and the family back together again.  Jackie and I are going to bed happy tonight.
     It was a bit odd at the airport.  Usually there are some festive decorations, or groups singing, or something....but I did not see anything in the terminal.
     There was an officer telling people where to go:  connecting flights straight ahead, exiting the airport go left.  He was very effective.  He stopped people from going out the connecting flight route and made them go through the exit airport area.
     We all figured it was pretty important....but then he left.  The next officer adopted a go wherever you want attitude, which seemed to work just as well.
     Usually you also see some pretty emotional sights.  People arriving to crying relatives, or crying when they greet people, hugging, squeezing, laughing.  Tonight I only saw one display....when a grand mother hugged her two little grand children and the young and the old were crying and kissing.
     Of course, my eyes were completely clear. nose is getting big!
     And I often wondered if I just went up to one of those people holding signs if they would take me someplace?
     Oh well....tired now.
     Peace and love.
Emily made her own sign

Who says you have to travel light?  Most of the load was wine and chocolate!!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

any time now

I am a little excited

     Julia comes home today....Sunday.  She may have even boarded the flight from Geneva to Zurich as I am writing this.  She lands around 4 tomorrow our time.  Jackie and I are pretty excited.
    We spent a great night at Renee and Wendy's.  Lots of good food and nice people to talk to, and about.
     Just kidding....about the talking about part.  Food was very good.
     I saw people I have not seen to several years, and it was nice getting to talk to them.
     I really love the holidays because it brings people and families together.  Kids coming home, friends returning for a visit, new friends met.  All during the holidays.
     Maybe we need a Christmas type holiday in June or July.  We could call it Expectation Day, or something like that.  Instead of a Christmas tree, people could put up palm trees and decorate them.     Then parties would be held for people to get together and mingle.
     When I become king, I will make a ruling on that.
     I am going to bed a very tired guy....but not sure if I can sleep.
     But I am going to try!

Friday, December 11, 2015

auld lang syne

Went to a party tonight

     It was really great to meet up with old friends.  Jackie and I enjoyed the night out.
     Good food, food conversation, good group.
     Good grief, I am tired.
     Us older folks can't handle the whirl of night life living!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

sometimes life isn't fair

I went shopping with the CAN people tonight

     Can is the Community Action Network.  Each year they take youngsters shopping.  Emily and I volunteered this year and we took a family of three.
     Normally the parents wait at the church while the volunteers  take the young ones shopping.  Each child has a list of things they need....typical needs are boots, socks, underwear.
     Each child gets a gift card for Walmart.  CAN raises money with pork chop dinners, donations, gifts from service groups, churches, organizations and businesses.
     Emily and I had three youngsters tonight.
     As we were getting ready to leave, the mother approached Emily and asked if she could go with.  She said her children might be a little upset, because their father died Saturday.
     It was like a kick in the gut.
     Here are these three kids who don't have a lot to start with, and they go into Christmas without their father.
     The adults keep close tabs on how much is spent, because there is a limit.  Usually, Jackie, Emily and I have them get all the clothing first, and if there is money left they can browse the toy aisle.   And if there isn't money left, well, they can browse the toy aisle anyway.
      I am guessing we are not the only adults who spend over the gift card amount.
     So tonight I tell the two boys to go with me to the toy aisle and pick out a toy.  After about five minutes, the oldest looks and me and says, "Does it have to be a toy?"
     I told him no, he could get a game, book, whatever.
     You know what he wanted to buy?
     School supplies.  He was out of pencils.  He needed pens.  He saw a neat paper organizer/clip board.  He bought flash cards because he knows he has to practice his multiplication.
     His brother opted for an art box, with additional packages of mechanical pencils, and colored pencils.
     After they had picked out their stuff, I asked them again, "Are you sure you don't want a toy?"
     Nope.  They were good.
     Emily's little shopper was a different story.  She wanted every doll and stuffed animal in the aisle...and from the looks of her bags, she got several.
     That's all.
     Peace and love to everyone.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

I think it's a con

I get consumer confused sometimes

     Shopping requires too much math.
     Is the mega roll of toilet paper a better buy than four regular rolls?  And is a 12 pack of regular at $6.99 a better buy than a 25 mega roll pack at $29.99?  And when will the trains meet??
     The tp we buy most frequently comes in regular, double, family size, mega and now mega plus!  I did not take calculus in school, and I don't have the patience to stand in the aisle comparing the prices for the best buy.  So I opt for the biggest package I can get.
     We now have about 84 rolls of toilet paper, 16 rolls of paper towels, and three 200 count packages of napkins with the pretty designs on them in the basement.  In reserve.  Just in case there is a nationwide diarrhea outbreak...we will barricaded in our bathrooms clutching our mega rolls of  extra strength two ply in our arms while neighbors pound at the front door, begging for mercy and a few rolls.  I will laugh my wicked laugh and send them to the forest to forage for leaves of adequate size.
     Oops.   Got a little carried away.  Sorry.
     I tend to buy in bulk.  Which explains why we have not had to buy kitchen cleanser for about 5 months...that plus I don't clean the sinks as often as I should.
     I also stopped at a nationwide retailer, known for it's annual parade around Thanksgiving.
     They are having a sale.  I looked at a pair of pants that were $59, on sale for $37.  Plus you took 25 per cent off.  Plus I had an additional 25 per cent off coupon.  Now if they only had my size. $22 would be a good price for the pants.  Which makes me wonder why they just can't sell them that cheaply in the first place and not bother with all the faux sales and coupons.
     I did buy a belt.  I needed a belt, since my last one shredded.
     And guess what?
     I actually threw out the shredded belt!
     I didn't keep in "in case".  Or for another use, like an emergency fan belt on a 38 Studebaker.  I tossed two belts out, which is pretty amazing for me.
     Why was I looking for pants?
     Well, I have been retired for 7 years.  I have not bought a pair of pants during that time.  I have worn jeans and the pants I had when teaching.
     They are starting to show their age.
     Like me, they are getting a little weak in the knees plus they have more wrinkles than they used to.  Unlike me, they are getting thin in some areas, while I, on the other hand, resemble a snowman, but without a carrot nose and top hat.
    So I look for the "relaxed" fit, which gives a little more room in my protruding belly.
     Unfortunately, none met my elastic requirements.
     I am sure they will have another sale soon....they always do.  I'll just have to keep wearing my old pants until then.
Peace and Love to all.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

thinking baseball, already

I know it's December, but baseball season is almost here

     I am a little bummed tonight.
     Starlin Castro has been traded.  To the Yankees.
     Normally I don't talk a lot of sports....mainly because I don't know that much about teams outside Chicago.
     But I liked Starlin.  Jackie liked Starlin.  We all liked Starlin.
     Yes, he had some problems last year.  But he was moved to second base, learned that position fairly well, rebounded with the bat and was an all star caliber player at the end of the season.
     He was one of those kids the Cubs were going to build around.  Now he's gone.
     I know baseball is a game of money.  Players don't stay loyal to a team.  Teams don't stay loyal to a player.  And management is not going to take a poll on which players to keep and which to trade.
      I know Starlin could have been an All Star second baseman for the Cubs, again.   He can hit, hit with power, field the position fairly well.  He was learning, and developing, and is fairly young.
     But they needed pitching.  And it was him or Baez, so they opted for keeping the younger, maybe less expensive, player.
     New York media and fans can be brutal.  I hope Starlin has the strength to put up with the boos the first time he strikes out or drops a ball.  If he can put that behind him, he will do well in the Big Apple.
     When you follow a team, you feel like you know the players.  I've watched Castro for what, six years?  He has had his ups and downs, but he was a darn good player who did whatever you asked of him.
     Good luck, knock 'em silly, Starlin!

Monday, December 7, 2015

I need an occupation

I think I would like to be a weatherman

     I'd love to go on a major tv network and give the weather for the next few days.  I could tell a couple of jokes, look handsome in front of the camera.  Ok, they say the camera adds 10 pounds, but   I'll put on a corset to offset the non existent weight gain.
     I know I don't have any training....but does it matter?
     I know the forecast for today was for temps in the did that work for you?
     I was freezing my butt off most of the day!
     I always think I should write down the forecast and then compare it to reality.  I would love to do that with five or six different weathermen, or weather woman, and compare who came closest to what they said.
     I was in Chicago during the Blizzard o 67....and the forecast for that day was something like a possibility of 1-2 inches of snow.  We got 3 feet!
     I know the patterns change quickly.  All it takes is some guy in Little Rock Arkansas to sneeze and it can throw the jet stream off, bringing us warm weather or blizzards.
     I can't think of any other occupation where the acceptance rate for being wrong is so high.
     Thank heavens doctors are better.
Doctor:  Mr. Johnson, we successfully removed your left lung.  You will be fine in about 6 months, but restrict your activities.
Mr. Jonson:  My lung?  I was here for a colonoscopy!
     That would never happen.
     Oh, wait I did just think of an occupation were they can just about say anything and claim it is the truth when it isn't.
     Politician......especially those named Trump.
     I guess i should not talk badly about our next president.  I just hope Canada has  a liberal immigration policy.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

this day turned real fast

My Sunday turned into kind of a bummer

     First off, the Bears.  That is all I want to say.
     Robbie Gould is accurate.  But today he missed two field goals.  The Bears have a new long snapper, like last week new.  Now Gould could have blamed the snapper.  After all, some guys snap at 8 feet, some at 7, some at 9.  It takes some time to get your  rhythm down with a new snapper.  But Gould refused to use that as an excuse.  When asked about it after the game, he basically said Hey, I'm the kicker.  I am supposed to make those,  I missed it.  You have to respect a guy like that.  He could have thrown the snapper or holder under the bus, but he didn't.
     During the game, I was pulling down the blue painters tape I used to help me paint around the trim.  In the sunlight, it looked like a pretty crappy paint job.  It had to be redone.
     After delivering calendars (Hey...i still have several to sell.  Need a Rotary Cash Give Away calender for only $ me or message me.  I eventually deliver.)  I re coated the wall in the dining room.  I had to take all the switch plates off, because Just put them back on,  but worst of all the house looks like a mess.  I need to get the furniture moved back into place tomorrow because    Jackie wants to start making cookies and we just can't create another mess.
     I finished the wall, then took the blue tape off the accent wall and .... you guessed it.  My edges are not covered.  It doesn't look good.  So tomorrow I have to redo the accent wall.
     My problem is along the ceiling.  I can't seem to keep the wall paint off the ceiling.  From now on, all my walls and ceilings will be one color.
     Finally, I moved to the computer to check e mail and ...... no e mail.  None.  John installed my Yahoo e mail on my phone in case I wanted to send pictures and I was playing with the phone.  I saw I had lots of Yahoo e mails, so I marked them and hit delete.  Next came a message that said delete all, so I hit that, thinking that meant the e mails I had just marked.
    It means exactly that. Delete all.
    Including:  My Cubs ticket information for 2016.  Luckily I have printed the tickets.  My Cuba registration, and questionnaire to complete.  An e mail from Callier chocolate in Switzerland with information for a story I am working on.  Information from the fan company on why my attic fans run so much.  A whole lot of stuff.  And that is what I remember.
     I am pretty bummed.
     Normally, I could recover that by going into the trash and sorting through it.  But my trash can is empty.
     I am more than a little bummed.
     I sometimes hate technology.
     Now I am going to bed.  I have a lot to do tomorrow.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

it is all happening at the zoo

I love volunteering at the zoo

     I have been volunteering since October of 08.  That is 7 years.  I generally spend about 100 hours a year volunteering...that is 25 trips.  So 700 hours of volunteering, and about 525 hours of driving time add up to over half a year of a 9-5 job.
     But it is not a job.  I volunteer.
     And this time of the season it is great to be a zoo volunteer.
     You can see the excitement in youngsters' eyes as they look at the lights and the decorated trees.
     The part of the zoo I am in is geared to youngsters under age 10..... and from now until March there is free admission to the Play Zoo.
     Kids love it.  They love petting the animals, spraying the plants and all the other activities that go on during the holiday season.
     I had out a rat snake.  (As I was taking out the rat snake, whose name is Banana, I asked if anyone knew why I was taking Banana out.  No one had any idea.  So I told them he just had appeal.  Get it?  A banana peel?  I crack myself up!)   Two little girls worked up the nerve to touch him.  They were a little uncertain, but eventually, after watching other kids touch the snake, they gently put their fingers on the snake and were amazed at how soft he felt.
     They disappeared, but came back a few minutes later with an adult who did not like snakes and would never touch one......until she did and was amazed that she had done that!  The two disappeared again and came back with another adult.....but mom would not come near the snake.
     The mom asked what animal would come out next.  I told her a guinea pig in about 10 minutes.
     When I took out the guinea pig, there were the two little girls again just itching to pet the guinea pig.  They did, and stepped aside so other kids could get a chance, and when everyone was done, they asked if they could pet her again.
     When I finished my shift, the next person brought out Dexter and the two little girls were right there, waiting to pet a rooster.
     Just seeing the excitement on their faces was payment for me.
    Yes, it's a drive.  Yes, it's a big time commitment.
    But for me, it's a mini vacation from the craziness of this world.
    I just hope I can be doing it 10 years from now.

Friday, December 4, 2015

I was turning green

Scratch off another project!

     Jackie has been wanting the green redone in our nook and dining room.  So today, I did it.
     Here's a quick quiz:
1.     How long would it take for a painter to put his hand in a gallon of paint?
2.     How many times did the phrase "Oh shit" ring out during this holiday season?
3.     How many edging pads were used in this project?
4.     How many rolls of blue painters tape were purchased for this project?
5.     How many days has the house been upside down while a certain someone procrastinates?
6.      Was job completed?
     And the bonus:
     How long would it take to paint three half walls and an accent wall about 16 inches in diameter using a 12 inch roller?  Factor in time spent playing with dog, washing out sink, checking e-mail, looking for edging tool, and taping walls?
     Now for the answers.  Grade you own papers.  Please use a #2 pencil.
          1...... about 5 seconds.  Hand slipped into can while taking lid off.
          2.....  no actual count.  Conservative estimate was 1,263.
          3.....  two.  When first pad became so full of paint it was useless, second pad was deployed. And no, it did not help.
         4....   three.  I had enough tape for a 7 bedroom house.  Just in case.
         5....   We started moving stuff Monday.  It will be put back on Sunday.  Or Monday.  Whenever.
         6....    Thought so, until it was pointed out I never did edge the bottom right side of the accent wall.
         Bonus:  I started at 11 and finished at 3:30.  Well, sort of finished.  The blue tape is still on the walls pending further review in the sunlight.  Final answer still not known.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

quite the day

I went downtown Thursday

     And by downtown, I mean Chicago.
     It was a solo trip....but it was still a good time.
     I went to the German market at Daley Plaza, then moseyed over to Macy's to check out the windows and the big tree.  I was truly under impressed with the windows.  They just did not move me like they have in the past.  In fact, they barely moved!  Maybe it's my age, but the windows seemed so much more imaginative and more whimsical in the past.  Ah, change.
     The windows focused on the planets and Christmas....and no, Pluto was not included.
     The big tree in the Walnut Room always amazes me.  I know Jackie loves to see that tree, but getting around downtown is just too difficult for her.  I suggested we go on a weekday, park at the Millennium garage, take the pedways to Field's, excuse me, Macy's and then take the elevator up to street level.
     She is still thinking about that.
     I love the market!  Of course I had the mulled wine, and some schnitzel.  I ordered the schnitzel sandwich...say that three times after a bootful of mulled wine!
     And I wandered down to Millennium Park and watched the skaters, looked at The Bean and saw the big be honest, I didn't like the tree.  It looked like it was just stuck out in the yard.
     But opinion doesn't matter.
     The day went downhill pretty quickly.
     While waiting for the train to leave, I found out Jackie fell and hit her head.  Mary Kay was there helping her and deciding whether to go to the hospital or not.  Luckily, she only has a bump on her head.  After talking to our doctor, they decided not to go the the ER.  Emily can over and so did John, and John stayed until I got home.
     She still has a knot, but did not lose consciousness or get sick.  Worst part is, she has no idea how it happened.
     Not to end on a downer, so here are some pictures from my day.

I like reflections......

Crepes??? At a German market????

The city tree....used to be by the market in Daley Plaza, but was moved to Millennium Park this year.

Walnut Room tree at Fields....I mean Macy's

Did I mention, I like reflections!

I would be afraid to stand on the right side of this building because it may tip over.  Weird base.

My gosh.....I thought I was smiling!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015 it that soon?

I tend to procrastinate

     That becomes real apparent at Christmas.  Jackie and I make lists of things we would like.  I wait until a week before Christmas, then can't get anything on her list because it is all sold out.
     I do the same thing every year.  I don't get it either.
     Lots of times I go out shopping on Christmas Eve, which would explain the weird gifts people have gotten from me.  Or I will look for a certain item...let's say sleeveless nightgowns, knowing no one will have the ones Jackie likes to wear.
     It's the challenge.
     I put things on my list that are hard to find.  Not impossible, but hard.
     Usually everyone disregards my list and instead, gets me  stuff I can use and enjoy.
     One year Emily got me a nose hair trimmer.  I think she did it as a joke, but I use that puppy at least twice a week.  My ear and nose hairs grow faster than the hair on my head.  If I ever have a hair transplant, I want them taken from my nose.  Of course, they will be a lot stiffer than my naturally soft hair, but who is going to complain?
     In reality, I would never get a hair transplant.  It involves doctors, needles and some amount of pain.  I'd rather be bald.
     But in fact, I have a fairly good head of hair.  Yes, it's getting a little thin in the front, which ironically is the only part of me getting thin.
     Maybe I need to wash my belly with a 2 in 1 conditioner and shampoo.
     That seems a lot less painful that actually exercising and/or cutting back on food.
     I noticed that today is Dec. 2....only 22 days of procrastination before Christmas.
     I have plenty of time.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

what was that noise?

Christmas has exploded at our house

     Boxes everywhere.
     We have about 15 or so Christmas boxes....huge plastic tubs loaded with all the trimmings.    Downstairs tree, upstairs tree, Dickens Village boxes 1, 2 and 3, outdoor lights, glasses, cookie containers, stuff to put around the house......there is a lot of Christmas in the air.
     We actually had more!  When we moved, we got rid of a lot of the Christmas decorations we didn't think we would need anymore.
     My legs are killing me tonight.
     Someone has to haul all those boxes up, and when they get emptied, they have to be hauled down again.
     I have a rule:  One box up, one box down.  But it 's a loose rule, otherwise I wouldn't have had six boxes up at one time.  It was like an obstacle course.
     We have about 15 houses in our Dickens" Village.  Actually, Jackie's Dickens' Village.  She started collecting them years ago and in the past five years has basically said, "Enough."  I like looking at the village....makes me think I am in jolly ole England in the time of A Christmas Carol.  (Digression.  We watch Christmas movies and every year I look for A Christmas Carol with either George C. Scott or Patrick Stewart.  I can never find them.  Barnes and Noble had a sale, so I looked and there they are!  So I bought one of each.  No, they are not blu - ray, just normal DVDs.  I paid $13 total for the two!  What a bargain!!  They are supposed to be here by Dec. 4.   I read the book every year.  I love the story.)
     So the village is up, trees and lamp posts need to be placed tomorrow.
     Then it's cleaning up all the packing material, styro scraps, and twist ties that are all over the house.
     I just hope we get it done tomorrow.
     Because I have a painting project for the weekend.
     A fool's work is never done.

Monday, November 30, 2015

is this my future?

I got a little confused yesterday

     Ok, I got lost.  Flat out lost. I did not know where I was.  I was lost.
     We went to Spring Hill Mall in West Dundee to watch Camryn's string group perform.
     I have not been to Spring Hill Mall in ages.  I know it is on 72, so Jackie and I set off down 72 to hear the concert.
     I know we go through Gilberts, and there is a railroad track and a restaurant that sells pretty good chicken, if I remember.
     As we motored down 72, we hit 47.  Now there is a lot of new development, and the road is being widened and repaved.  I went straight, expecting to be at the mall in a matter of minutes.
     But nothing looked right.
     We went through a town, and it wasn't Gilberts.  No RR crossing , no chicken place.
     We pulled up to a four lane divided highway that was IL 20.
20?  How the hell did I get on 20?
     We got off at Randall Road.  Randall Road?  Where in the Michelin world were we?
     We passed Sherman Hospital, heading north on Randall Road because we knew 72 had to be up there somewhere.
     Meanwhile Jackie tried to get the map on my phone.  I thought of pulling over, but we were now late and I figured keep driving until I hit 72, which I eventually did.  And I turned west.
     Mistake, she found the mall on the map and I had to make a U-turn.
     We eventually got there, only about 10 minutes late.
     It was a very good performance...the kids learn the music and play by memory.  Very impressive.
     As we left, I pulled out onto the road that was not 72 and attempted to drive home.
     Ten minutes later, we were back in front of the mall.
     Funny, we made a loop somehow but I don't remember turning.  We did find 72 and we did make it home.
     My mistake came at 47.  72 jogs north about a half mile then goes east.  At 47 and 72, 20 joins the mix and goes south east from that intersection.
     I figure with all the construction the signs had to be down, otherwise I would not have missed the turn.
     At least that is my story.
     In the future, I am going to start sewing my name and phone number in my shirts.  If my mind keeps going this way, I may head for the zoo one day and end up in Memphis.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

holy crow, Batman

My eyes were just opened, wide!

     Both our Christmas trees are up.  (Note:  they are not holiday trees.  they are Christmas trees.  And we listen to Christmas carols.  Like Grandma got run Over by a Reindeer.)
     John, Emily, Camryn and I went to the Prairie Preservation Society of Ogle County tree lot just off Daysville Road, near where the Sinnissippi operation is.  That is open again this year, but I don't believe they have any cut your own trees.  Last year they told us the trees were too small for harvest, so they brought trees in from Wisconsin.
     The Prairie group bought part of Sinnissippi Forest and has been selling the trees.  Last year we got a nice Scotch pine there.....but Scotch pines are not big sellers, so that area has been cleared.  We got a balsam, like a Fraser or something.  I love the smell of the tree...very balsamy.
     When we got home it was put up and decorated.
     Emily took pictures and posted them on Facebook.
     One is a side view of me....and it has made me realize how terrible I look.  Bethy kept saying it, but now I have seen it.
     It ain't pretty folks.  I look like I am carrying a sack of flour under my shirt!
     I think it's a good thing, because I think it will motivate me to cut down, cut back, and exercise.
     Hopefully, Emily will read this and print  a copy of the picture that I can have for motivation.
     I only see myself from the front....and that never looks too bad.
    Now I know.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

do I panic now, or later?

I got my brochure about my upcoming trip

     Many of you don't know this, so I am not sure how much to say.
     Jackie gave me an early Christmas and birthday present.  I am going to a foreign land, a communist country, located about 90 miles off the Florida coast.
     My trip is in the spring, but I am already pretty excited.
     It is a tour, with a group.  My friend Dan is joining me on this adventure.
     I got a brochure this week outlining tips, tricks, what to pack, what to expect.
     I should not expect Internet service.  Or cell phone service.  This will make it hard, not impossible, to do my blog and post pictures.  I hope the hotels we are staying at will have service, or at least an Internet cafe.  But I am not positive.
     I should pack toilet paper.  Yes, toilet paper.  Although the hotels usually have tp in the rooms, public restrooms, those in restaurants, and anywhere else where nature calls may not.
     And since the sewer system is pretty antiquated, tp is not flushed.  It is tossed in a garbage can.
     It was suggested to bring hand sanitizer, as most public rest rooms do not have running water.
     I am guessing that after tossing my tp into the trash, I will need about a gallon of sanitizer.
     I already have plans to carry a back pack that has:  tp, a toilet seat liner, hand sanitizer, disposable gloves, a hazmat suit, 2 gallons of sanitizer, 26 bottles of water and a small generator.
     I just hope I can carry it all.

Friday, November 27, 2015

i think I have feathers

I have eaten a lot of turkey

     We cooked the bird on Wednesday.  So I carved Wednesday night.
     You know what it is like to carve a turkey?  Lots of little scraps to "dispose" of, not to mention all that delightfully sinful skin.  So I munched a little.  And a little more.
     Of course Thursday there was more turkey, this time with gravy and taters and ..... well, a whole bunch of tasty stuff.
     During the Bears overpowering domination of the Packers, I had to have a little thigh to nibble on. (A turkey's, not Jackie's you dirty minded people!)
     Which left a wing for lunch today.  Yes, I had turkey for lunch.  I did not feel well enough to go to the zoo, so I called in sick and spent from 7 am. to 9:30 asleep in the chair.  Then from 1-4 I did a semi sleep on the downstairs couch.  I watched Casablanca and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.  I am still really tired and achy.
     Friday is usually pizza night, but tonight Jackie and I had.....turkey! complete will all the leftover trimmings.
     I am almost ready for bed.  I do hear a drumstick calling.  I love munching on one of those late at night, usually while watching tv.
     Tomorrow, we get rid of the turkey.  I will put packets in zip lock storage bags and freeze them, opening them as needed for the next three weeks until we have turkey again.
     I swear I am developing feathers instead of hair.
     If I have a waddle tomorrow, I will start to worry.
     Wait a minute, I have a waddle already!
     Sigh....must be too much turkey and pie.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

what a day

This was a pretty good day

    How many times do I get to eat turkey and watch the Bears win!! (Cue Bears song:  Bare down....etc)
     Wait a minute....this is my first!! (Cue Madonna's Like a Virgin)
     What an exciting game...coming down to the last play!  Missed calls on both sides of the ball, but hat is life in the NFL.
     And watching Brett have his number retired was a pretty cool thing to see.  I am glad they showed it.
     I did watch the Macy's parade.  As I sat there I recalled last year saying I was going to this year's parade.  Well, I didn't.
     Watching it on tv is a little frustrating.  It seemed like a big commercial for upcoming network shows.  And I loved Al Roker saying here comes this fantastic band and then he  talks to two stars of an upcoming sitcom so we never get to see or hear the band.
     At least we got to see the U of I band....boy, did they look and sound great.
     And who can not get a little excited when Santa comes down the street....I always feel 10 years old again. (Cue:  Santa Clause is Coming to Town)
     Usually I watch "Miracle on 34th Street" instead of football, But usually the Bears are not playing, so Miracle will have to wait a couple of days.
     Dinner was great....Amy and Amy and Caleb and Canyon and Danielle and Emily and John and Camryn and Judy and me .  It was a pretty good time and pretty good food.
     The massive downpours throughout the day did not put a damper on our lives.  (Cue: Raindrops are Falling on My Head)  Well, maybe a little.  I had the patio door open because I dropped a roll in the oven and it turned black and started to smoke so I opened the patio door.  And forgot to close it.  Things got a little wet, but at least the smoke alarms didn't go off.  (cue: Smoke on the Water?)
     All in all, a pretty good day.
     I'm even feeling happy!!  (Cue Happy Days are Here Again)
     So goodnight Irene, good night.  (Cue:  snores)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

what to do....

I think I have a bit of a block

     I do two columns a month for the Rochelle News Leader.  I have a column due for this Sunday.  It has to be done before I go to the zoo on Friday.
     I have the column written, but I have a problem.
     It's pretty negative.  Depressing.  Frustrating.
     I meant every word I wrote, yet I find myself hesitating to send it.
     Usually I am pretty light hearted in the column.  I talk about local issues, hopefully creating some new thoughts in people.
     I start the column on Monday or Tuesday, let it stew for 24 hours, then look at it again.  That's when I make final edits or changes.  Then I let it sit until late Thursday night or early Friday morning.
     I did this one Monday night..... and the news was not good on Monday.  Or Tuesday.   Or last week.
     That affected my approach to the column.  And it shows.
     Anyway, what do you think?  Turn in a column that is negative and has anger, but expresses my feelings on some issues; or do a new column during the Bears Packers game tomorrow night?
     Of  course, by then I will probably be angry and frustrated again, but for a different reason.
     Have a Happy Thanksgiving..... one of my thanks is for the people actually read this stuff!  Thanks for your likes over the past two years.  Have a blessed holiday.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

it's almost Thanksgiving

Two days until Turkey

     I know.  Thanksgiving is more than just about food. But food is such a big part of the day.... turkey, pie, sweet potatoes, whipped potatoes and mouth is already watering.
    We have an eclectic group coming...and I have prepared a fitting toast.  Hopefully, they will let me give it.
     And football.  Thanksgiving is football.  Too bad the Bears are playing so late.  I will probably be in a food coma by the time the game starts, but that's a chance I'll have to take.  After all, there will be other games to watch during the day, right?
     Just a couple of pictures to share.  Nothing special.

     The other day the ice was stuck to our back window.  Was hoping to get the sun setting behind, but I think I missed that boat.

     Corki and I took our walk....this is what the moon looked like as it was rising tonight.

     Here is a trivia question:  How old is this container?  And Jackie says I save everything......

Monday, November 23, 2015

what a week

I am losing faith in humanity

     Too much negativity in the news this week.
     I am bothered by the shooting of the young man in Chicago.  He was shot 16 times by an officer who felt threatened by him.  16 times.  That to me is outrageous, and the fact the officer was put on desk duty is a slap in the face to justice.  File charges, take it to court, let all the evidence out and let the chips fall where they may.
     And terror warnings for people flying....I'll never sleep until Julia gets home.
     Break ins...shootings....there isn't enough wine in the world to ease my mind tonight.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

pardon my rant

I don't understand this Thanksgiving work thing

     I see a lot of posts about boycotting certain merchants because they are open Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving should be a day to spend with family, not have to work, say these people.
     What if people didn't work on Thanksgiving?
     Think of it!
     The NFL would have to shut down on this day so players can spend time with their wives, girlfriends and in some cases, both.  They would have to spend time with their children.  Imagine the 6 year old who wants to toss the ball around with dad but instead gets drilled by a 6'2" 320 pound lineman who doesn't know how to play nicely with a football.
     And there would not be any officials to boo, berate, yell death threats at and in some cases refer to as not very smart offspring of a human and a female dog.  Imagine how thankful these guys are after blowing a holding call that allows an 87 yard touchdown run for the opponents in the last 32 seconds of the game, resulting in a loss for your team.  Think people in the stands are giving thanks to them for their service?
     And the lost revenues in beer sales from NFL games.  I think beers are about $1,643 at a game now, plus your first born.  How would those vendors survive not working on the biggest non Super Bowl football day of the year?
    Yet there are no calls for fans to boycott watching or attending football games.  Because if there was no football, we would all have to sit around and talk to each other.
     We'd have to hear about the old days from Aunt Gert and Uncle Ernie as they talk about what life was like in 1970 when they had to live in a world without cell phones, computers, GPS systems and cable television.  They might even tell us about MAPS and how they used them to get places.
     And Old Gertie and Ernie would be lost when kids text each other saying things like:  "LOL, luk @ thos pants"   Or "OMG s at a b?  Or ""Ouch. nvm"
     It would be disaster.
     So football players and all the staff that go with the games have to work.
     All those people deep frying turkeys means fire departments have to work, otherwise the houses that catch fire from the exploding turkeys would not have firemen to put out the flames.  And EMTs have to be there to take people to hospitals for all the grease burns.
     Hospitals?  All those people who overeat and get gas then think they are having the big one would have no place to go, nor would the people truly having the big one or the ones who cut their fingers off while cutting the turkey.
      This Thanksgiving I will hold up my annual Terry Tradition of overeating, watching football, doing endless amounts of dishes and eventually collapsing in a semi coma, hopefully with an empty  wine glass in my hand.
    It's worked for years.
   But one thing I won't be doing is shopping.
   After all, I have a computer, and I know how to use it.
   Sort of.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

a wise misuse of time

I cleaned house today

     I was cleaning the little bathroom and had to go into the pantry for something.  I thought, "Geez....these candles should all go in the little bathroom. "
     So I took all the candles out of the pantry and put them in the little bathroom.  We are out of room in the pantry.
     One shelf seems to be wax paper and plastic wrap, another has dog stuff, including 8 cans of beans because she likes beans and it is less fattening than regular food.
     I swear, that dog eats constantly!  She was outside before the snow, grazing on the bird seed that hit the ground!  She even found some pieces of my suet cakes that the wind and rain had knocked to the ground and ate them! Fat and birdseed!  I may have already told that story.
     So I emptied all of the candles from the pantry and put them into the little bathroom.  We have over 250 tea light candles.  I don't know when we have ever used one in this house.  Two of the boxes are not even opened.
     As I moved the last candle, I thought there were an awful lot of light bulbs taking up space and we have another linen closet with lots of space.
     So I moved the light bulbs.  We have a lot of light bulbs.   We will never use all the light bulbs we have.
     Of course, I had to rearrange some things in the closet to fit the light bulbs.
     So after about half an hour of moving candles, moving light bulbs, rearranging linen closets and who knows what else..... I realized I still hadn't cleaned the bathroom.
     That is how it is with me.  I start something, get distracted, and before you know it, I have several projects underway.
     The good thing about being like that is I can finish a lot of projects in a short time, because I always have some unfinished ones looking for an end.
     It's now about 12:20 a.m.......... I sat down to do this at about 10:30.
     But I got distracted.
     Hopefully I can make it to bed without a problem.
    By the is Julia's birthday today...Nov. 22.  I miss her.  Jackie and I both wish her a happy birthday and we can't wait for Dec. 13.
     That will be a nice anniversary present for mom and dad.
     Knowing me, I have the wrong date....but that means sifting through the papers to find the flight info and who knows where that will lead.