Wednesday, December 2, 2015 it that soon?

I tend to procrastinate

     That becomes real apparent at Christmas.  Jackie and I make lists of things we would like.  I wait until a week before Christmas, then can't get anything on her list because it is all sold out.
     I do the same thing every year.  I don't get it either.
     Lots of times I go out shopping on Christmas Eve, which would explain the weird gifts people have gotten from me.  Or I will look for a certain item...let's say sleeveless nightgowns, knowing no one will have the ones Jackie likes to wear.
     It's the challenge.
     I put things on my list that are hard to find.  Not impossible, but hard.
     Usually everyone disregards my list and instead, gets me  stuff I can use and enjoy.
     One year Emily got me a nose hair trimmer.  I think she did it as a joke, but I use that puppy at least twice a week.  My ear and nose hairs grow faster than the hair on my head.  If I ever have a hair transplant, I want them taken from my nose.  Of course, they will be a lot stiffer than my naturally soft hair, but who is going to complain?
     In reality, I would never get a hair transplant.  It involves doctors, needles and some amount of pain.  I'd rather be bald.
     But in fact, I have a fairly good head of hair.  Yes, it's getting a little thin in the front, which ironically is the only part of me getting thin.
     Maybe I need to wash my belly with a 2 in 1 conditioner and shampoo.
     That seems a lot less painful that actually exercising and/or cutting back on food.
     I noticed that today is Dec. 2....only 22 days of procrastination before Christmas.
     I have plenty of time.

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