Monday, November 30, 2015

is this my future?

I got a little confused yesterday

     Ok, I got lost.  Flat out lost. I did not know where I was.  I was lost.
     We went to Spring Hill Mall in West Dundee to watch Camryn's string group perform.
     I have not been to Spring Hill Mall in ages.  I know it is on 72, so Jackie and I set off down 72 to hear the concert.
     I know we go through Gilberts, and there is a railroad track and a restaurant that sells pretty good chicken, if I remember.
     As we motored down 72, we hit 47.  Now there is a lot of new development, and the road is being widened and repaved.  I went straight, expecting to be at the mall in a matter of minutes.
     But nothing looked right.
     We went through a town, and it wasn't Gilberts.  No RR crossing , no chicken place.
     We pulled up to a four lane divided highway that was IL 20.
20?  How the hell did I get on 20?
     We got off at Randall Road.  Randall Road?  Where in the Michelin world were we?
     We passed Sherman Hospital, heading north on Randall Road because we knew 72 had to be up there somewhere.
     Meanwhile Jackie tried to get the map on my phone.  I thought of pulling over, but we were now late and I figured keep driving until I hit 72, which I eventually did.  And I turned west.
     Mistake, she found the mall on the map and I had to make a U-turn.
     We eventually got there, only about 10 minutes late.
     It was a very good performance...the kids learn the music and play by memory.  Very impressive.
     As we left, I pulled out onto the road that was not 72 and attempted to drive home.
     Ten minutes later, we were back in front of the mall.
     Funny, we made a loop somehow but I don't remember turning.  We did find 72 and we did make it home.
     My mistake came at 47.  72 jogs north about a half mile then goes east.  At 47 and 72, 20 joins the mix and goes south east from that intersection.
     I figure with all the construction the signs had to be down, otherwise I would not have missed the turn.
     At least that is my story.
     In the future, I am going to start sewing my name and phone number in my shirts.  If my mind keeps going this way, I may head for the zoo one day and end up in Memphis.

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