Thursday, December 10, 2015

sometimes life isn't fair

I went shopping with the CAN people tonight

     Can is the Community Action Network.  Each year they take youngsters shopping.  Emily and I volunteered this year and we took a family of three.
     Normally the parents wait at the church while the volunteers  take the young ones shopping.  Each child has a list of things they need....typical needs are boots, socks, underwear.
     Each child gets a gift card for Walmart.  CAN raises money with pork chop dinners, donations, gifts from service groups, churches, organizations and businesses.
     Emily and I had three youngsters tonight.
     As we were getting ready to leave, the mother approached Emily and asked if she could go with.  She said her children might be a little upset, because their father died Saturday.
     It was like a kick in the gut.
     Here are these three kids who don't have a lot to start with, and they go into Christmas without their father.
     The adults keep close tabs on how much is spent, because there is a limit.  Usually, Jackie, Emily and I have them get all the clothing first, and if there is money left they can browse the toy aisle.   And if there isn't money left, well, they can browse the toy aisle anyway.
      I am guessing we are not the only adults who spend over the gift card amount.
     So tonight I tell the two boys to go with me to the toy aisle and pick out a toy.  After about five minutes, the oldest looks and me and says, "Does it have to be a toy?"
     I told him no, he could get a game, book, whatever.
     You know what he wanted to buy?
     School supplies.  He was out of pencils.  He needed pens.  He saw a neat paper organizer/clip board.  He bought flash cards because he knows he has to practice his multiplication.
     His brother opted for an art box, with additional packages of mechanical pencils, and colored pencils.
     After they had picked out their stuff, I asked them again, "Are you sure you don't want a toy?"
     Nope.  They were good.
     Emily's little shopper was a different story.  She wanted every doll and stuffed animal in the aisle...and from the looks of her bags, she got several.
     That's all.
     Peace and love to everyone.

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