Friday, December 4, 2015

I was turning green

Scratch off another project!

     Jackie has been wanting the green redone in our nook and dining room.  So today, I did it.
     Here's a quick quiz:
1.     How long would it take for a painter to put his hand in a gallon of paint?
2.     How many times did the phrase "Oh shit" ring out during this holiday season?
3.     How many edging pads were used in this project?
4.     How many rolls of blue painters tape were purchased for this project?
5.     How many days has the house been upside down while a certain someone procrastinates?
6.      Was job completed?
     And the bonus:
     How long would it take to paint three half walls and an accent wall about 16 inches in diameter using a 12 inch roller?  Factor in time spent playing with dog, washing out sink, checking e-mail, looking for edging tool, and taping walls?
     Now for the answers.  Grade you own papers.  Please use a #2 pencil.
          1...... about 5 seconds.  Hand slipped into can while taking lid off.
          2.....  no actual count.  Conservative estimate was 1,263.
          3.....  two.  When first pad became so full of paint it was useless, second pad was deployed. And no, it did not help.
         4....   three.  I had enough tape for a 7 bedroom house.  Just in case.
         5....   We started moving stuff Monday.  It will be put back on Sunday.  Or Monday.  Whenever.
         6....    Thought so, until it was pointed out I never did edge the bottom right side of the accent wall.
         Bonus:  I started at 11 and finished at 3:30.  Well, sort of finished.  The blue tape is still on the walls pending further review in the sunlight.  Final answer still not known.

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