Wednesday, November 25, 2015

what to do....

I think I have a bit of a block

     I do two columns a month for the Rochelle News Leader.  I have a column due for this Sunday.  It has to be done before I go to the zoo on Friday.
     I have the column written, but I have a problem.
     It's pretty negative.  Depressing.  Frustrating.
     I meant every word I wrote, yet I find myself hesitating to send it.
     Usually I am pretty light hearted in the column.  I talk about local issues, hopefully creating some new thoughts in people.
     I start the column on Monday or Tuesday, let it stew for 24 hours, then look at it again.  That's when I make final edits or changes.  Then I let it sit until late Thursday night or early Friday morning.
     I did this one Monday night..... and the news was not good on Monday.  Or Tuesday.   Or last week.
     That affected my approach to the column.  And it shows.
     Anyway, what do you think?  Turn in a column that is negative and has anger, but expresses my feelings on some issues; or do a new column during the Bears Packers game tomorrow night?
     Of  course, by then I will probably be angry and frustrated again, but for a different reason.
     Have a Happy Thanksgiving..... one of my thanks is for the people actually read this stuff!  Thanks for your likes over the past two years.  Have a blessed holiday.

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