Sunday, December 20, 2015

where is Loudon Wainwright when we need him?

I have some venison for free

   Well, technically I don't have it.  There is an 8 point buck dead in the field next to our house.  My friend Steve counted the points.
     It looks like it has been hit by a car....back leg is badly misshapen.  It has been dead a while.
     I have fears about this dead animal.  Coyotes will eventually find it.  When I let my little Sweetie out at night (No Beth, I am not talking about Jackie.  She is a sweetie but I don't put her out at night.) I am worried a hungry coyote will grab her and drag her off.
     So now I go out with her.  I am wondering if I should go back to a leash at night for a while.  I'd hate for anything to happen to her.
     I have not heard coyotes, yet.  But some animal is eating the buck.  The hind end has damage, and there is a pile of what looks like dog feces on top of the deer, sort of like a territorial display.
     I do want to go out and saw off the antlers.....I know that sounds gross.  But the deer is dead and won't feel it.
     Unlike turkeys.
     There were protests at a Whole Foods store in Chicago today.  People from some animal welfare group were protesting because one of the suppliers of turkeys to the store may have mistreated the birds while raising them to be slaughtered.
     WGN News reported the protesters said the birds suffered psychological trauma while being raised for consumption.
     Really?  How the hell do you know when a turkey has suffered psychological trauma?  Does it babble in a strange tongue?  Does it look up into the rain and try to drown itself?  Does it drink excessively?   Does it root for the Bears?   Oh wait...It's a TURKEY!!
     Jiminy Cricket.
     I love animals.  But I also like to eat turkey.  So I hope my Butterball was treated in a respectful manner, because I wouldn't want it to have died with a heavy mind.....just a couple of heavy breasts and two drumsticks.
     I had a domestic chicken out at the zoo today.  A group of little ones were waiting to pet it when an adult asked, "What's it's name."  I told him.  He said he had a chicken at his house.  Then he asked me, "Do you know what we call him?  Dinner."
     I think the kids were confused.
     I asked an older child if he had ever touched a chicken before.
     Without batting an eye he answered, "Only fried ones."
     It was a long 30 minutes.
     But a good crowd.

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