Thursday, November 26, 2015

what a day

This was a pretty good day

    How many times do I get to eat turkey and watch the Bears win!! (Cue Bears song:  Bare down....etc)
     Wait a minute....this is my first!! (Cue Madonna's Like a Virgin)
     What an exciting game...coming down to the last play!  Missed calls on both sides of the ball, but hat is life in the NFL.
     And watching Brett have his number retired was a pretty cool thing to see.  I am glad they showed it.
     I did watch the Macy's parade.  As I sat there I recalled last year saying I was going to this year's parade.  Well, I didn't.
     Watching it on tv is a little frustrating.  It seemed like a big commercial for upcoming network shows.  And I loved Al Roker saying here comes this fantastic band and then he  talks to two stars of an upcoming sitcom so we never get to see or hear the band.
     At least we got to see the U of I band....boy, did they look and sound great.
     And who can not get a little excited when Santa comes down the street....I always feel 10 years old again. (Cue:  Santa Clause is Coming to Town)
     Usually I watch "Miracle on 34th Street" instead of football, But usually the Bears are not playing, so Miracle will have to wait a couple of days.
     Dinner was great....Amy and Amy and Caleb and Canyon and Danielle and Emily and John and Camryn and Judy and me .  It was a pretty good time and pretty good food.
     The massive downpours throughout the day did not put a damper on our lives.  (Cue: Raindrops are Falling on My Head)  Well, maybe a little.  I had the patio door open because I dropped a roll in the oven and it turned black and started to smoke so I opened the patio door.  And forgot to close it.  Things got a little wet, but at least the smoke alarms didn't go off.  (cue: Smoke on the Water?)
     All in all, a pretty good day.
     I'm even feeling happy!!  (Cue Happy Days are Here Again)
     So goodnight Irene, good night.  (Cue:  snores)

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