Tuesday, November 24, 2015

it's almost Thanksgiving

Two days until Turkey

     I know.  Thanksgiving is more than just about food. But food is such a big part of the day.... turkey, pie, sweet potatoes, whipped potatoes and gravy.....my mouth is already watering.
    We have an eclectic group coming...and I have prepared a fitting toast.  Hopefully, they will let me give it.
     And football.  Thanksgiving is football.  Too bad the Bears are playing so late.  I will probably be in a food coma by the time the game starts, but that's a chance I'll have to take.  After all, there will be other games to watch during the day, right?
     Just a couple of pictures to share.  Nothing special.

     The other day the ice was stuck to our back window.  Was hoping to get the sun setting behind, but I think I missed that boat.

     Corki and I took our walk....this is what the moon looked like as it was rising tonight.

     Here is a trivia question:  How old is this container?  And Jackie says I save everything......

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