Monday, December 14, 2015

it's kind of crazy, ain't it

I don't want a drone for Christmas

     So if anyone got me one, please return it.
     Oh sure, it would be neat to fly it over the park and take pictures of animals and landscaping from above.  Or fly it over some one's house to see if they are sunbathing without any clothes on.  Or just hover outside a window to, uh.... watch tv.
     Wait a minute.  At least one of those sounds sane.  And legal.
     The FAA just came out with new regulations for drone users.  All drones over one half pound have to be registered along with their owners and the drones have to be implanted with a chip identifying the owner.
     So...... your drone needs to be registered, but you can buy an assault rifle and not have to register that, or implant a chip in that.  I guess drones are deadlier than some types of weapons.
     Which leads me to another question.  With the number of drones taking off (ok, I know it's a pun) why can't we buy surface to air missiles to protect our property?  After all, that drone might be armed and could do damage, so we should be able to protect our property by having small, shoulder held surface to air missiles.
     And since my neighbor has a surface to air missile, or at least could have one, maybe I should have a deterrent, like a small nuclear device that can be used if I feel threatened by an invading army from Chicago.  Or Creston.
     The arms race all over again, only a domestic race..... all caused by drones.
     That's why I don't want one for Christmas.
     After all, there has to be some sanity in this world.
     And don't get me started on lawn darts.

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