Saturday, December 12, 2015

any time now

I am a little excited

     Julia comes home today....Sunday.  She may have even boarded the flight from Geneva to Zurich as I am writing this.  She lands around 4 tomorrow our time.  Jackie and I are pretty excited.
    We spent a great night at Renee and Wendy's.  Lots of good food and nice people to talk to, and about.
     Just kidding....about the talking about part.  Food was very good.
     I saw people I have not seen to several years, and it was nice getting to talk to them.
     I really love the holidays because it brings people and families together.  Kids coming home, friends returning for a visit, new friends met.  All during the holidays.
     Maybe we need a Christmas type holiday in June or July.  We could call it Expectation Day, or something like that.  Instead of a Christmas tree, people could put up palm trees and decorate them.     Then parties would be held for people to get together and mingle.
     When I become king, I will make a ruling on that.
     I am going to bed a very tired guy....but not sure if I can sleep.
     But I am going to try!

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