Monday, December 28, 2015

It's gotta be true

I am about to get $2 million!

    It's true!! Some guy named Mark, or Marc, or Steve, or whoever is going to give me a lot of money because I shared his post with 265 of my closest Facebook friends.
    Oh sure, I know you doubters are laughing.  You won't get the money, because you didn't share and take up all that space on a FB page because you don't believe.
    What else don't you believe in?
    The Tooth Fairy?
    Easter Bunny?
    Cubs winning it all in 2016?
    Bears winning again this season?
    And maybe my Nigerian uncle hasn't sent me the money yet, but the pols in Illinois haven't come up with a budget either, and that may be harder to swallow than the one billion canasta chips they are sending to me because they can't keep them in their country and all they needed was a small donation to cover shipping.
    Ah yes.....I will be rolling in dough.
     Because we all know that when it is on the Internet, it is true.  And when someone e-mails you, it is ok because people who use e-mail are honest people and never lie.
     I just wonder when I get the title to that bridge in New York so I can start collecting tolls.
     Peace and love to all and keep on believing, no matter how incredibly unlikely the promise is.

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