Saturday, December 26, 2015

what's the forecast?

Do I understand we may get snow Monday?

     I just saw a post on Facebook for a winter storm watch for our area on Monday.  Some forecast.
     That figures.  Three days after Christmas, and we will get white.
     I can't remember the last Christmas that we didn't have some snow on the ground.  Years ago. living on Skare Court with the pool, we had a 70 degree Christmas day.  I remember seeing a fox in our back yard.  He looked a little confused.  But that was years ago.
     I thought today was Friday.  It just didn't seem like a Saturday.
     Our garbage went out and actually mostly got picked up.  Two of the lighter bags blew into the field.  I got then and will save them for next week.
     I have a confession:  I did not recycle the wrapping paper.  I am not sure I can.  Julia buys the really shiny stuff, and I don't know if that recycles.  It was too hard to keep the shiny/non shiny separate, so they all went into one bag.  Actually, several bags.  I do feel bad about that.  I try hard every day to recycle and then Christmas comes and bam.....toss, toss, toss.
     But the two bags that blew away were maybe I will go through them and pull out the paper.  I don't think tissue paper recycles either.
     I went to the store to look for a deal on LED lights.....nobody had them in the after Christmas sale areas.  Of course, it was almost 3 when I went.  Last year there were hundreds of boxes at Wally World, but today, none.
     Go figure.
     It's funny how quickly Christmas seems to have come and gone.  Poof.  Gone.
     Isn't it strange that the turkey lasts longer than the holiday.
     Excuse me, I've gotta find the Tums.
     Peace and love to all.

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