Friday, December 18, 2015

I may burst

I ate too much

     We had raclette tonight.  It's a Swiss dish.  You have cheese, potatoes, meats, and all sorts of other stuff.  You put the cheese under a heater and it melts, then you scoop it onto your potato.  We also grilled steak and bacon on top of the table.
     There was a lot of food.
     Thanks for sharing it with us SK.  Julia enjoyed the visit, as we all did.
     And Corki must have been happy because she didn't try many leg humps tonight.
     I saw a Facebook posting for two jobs in San Antonio.  One was for a user experience designer.   What the hell is that?  The other was for a digital director, which I can sort of understand, but the UXD name is just confusing.  I thought using their acronym would make you think I knew more than I do.
     After two weeks of trying, got the burned out light bulb changed in our track lighting system.      Sometimes the simpler things are, the harder they are to understand.  I just hope I remember how I did it next time.
     And here is a question.  The track lighting system has 5 lights.  All were installed at the same time.  It's been almost three years.....actually, it has been three years!  Time flies!  Why don't they all burn out at the same time, or relatively near the same time?  This is the second light to go and it may even be the second time for the same track light.  Huh.
     I visited a surgeon today.  He will repair my hernia Jan. 14, or 15, not sure exactly.  That gives me about 8 weeks before my big trip.  He said I will be healthy and hearty by then.
     That is if I don't have a stroke worrying about the surgery.
     Which I started to do when I made the appointment.
     That's it.
     Peace and love to all.....hope for snow on Christmas!!

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