Saturday, November 21, 2015

a wise misuse of time

I cleaned house today

     I was cleaning the little bathroom and had to go into the pantry for something.  I thought, "Geez....these candles should all go in the little bathroom. "
     So I took all the candles out of the pantry and put them in the little bathroom.  We are out of room in the pantry.
     One shelf seems to be wax paper and plastic wrap, another has dog stuff, including 8 cans of beans because she likes beans and it is less fattening than regular food.
     I swear, that dog eats constantly!  She was outside before the snow, grazing on the bird seed that hit the ground!  She even found some pieces of my suet cakes that the wind and rain had knocked to the ground and ate them! Fat and birdseed!  I may have already told that story.
     So I emptied all of the candles from the pantry and put them into the little bathroom.  We have over 250 tea light candles.  I don't know when we have ever used one in this house.  Two of the boxes are not even opened.
     As I moved the last candle, I thought there were an awful lot of light bulbs taking up space and we have another linen closet with lots of space.
     So I moved the light bulbs.  We have a lot of light bulbs.   We will never use all the light bulbs we have.
     Of course, I had to rearrange some things in the closet to fit the light bulbs.
     So after about half an hour of moving candles, moving light bulbs, rearranging linen closets and who knows what else..... I realized I still hadn't cleaned the bathroom.
     That is how it is with me.  I start something, get distracted, and before you know it, I have several projects underway.
     The good thing about being like that is I can finish a lot of projects in a short time, because I always have some unfinished ones looking for an end.
     It's now about 12:20 a.m.......... I sat down to do this at about 10:30.
     But I got distracted.
     Hopefully I can make it to bed without a problem.
    By the is Julia's birthday today...Nov. 22.  I miss her.  Jackie and I both wish her a happy birthday and we can't wait for Dec. 13.
     That will be a nice anniversary present for mom and dad.
     Knowing me, I have the wrong date....but that means sifting through the papers to find the flight info and who knows where that will lead.

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