Saturday, December 19, 2015

what do I get?

I am starting to have present panic

     As in:  Did I buy the right gift?  Will they like it?
     I have bought some weird presents in the past.  Practical, but weird.  One year I got the girls home fire extinguishers.  Of course, Julia moved to Switzerland and Emily's was last seen heading north east at a high rate of speed.
     I like to get them one present Jackie didn't even consider.  But I always went to True Value to find it.  Now, that's gone.  Or Moxie.  That's closed.
     Oh well.....guess I will have to be creative in another way.
     I always find myself wanting to buy more and more and more and more......even sometimes just buying something to buy it!  It's like a sickness.
     I know there are one or two little gifts I want to get.
     And I better start looking for them...I am running out of time.
     Seattle, I'm listening.

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