Tuesday, December 15, 2015

moms, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys

I think I would be a baseball player

     If I had a son, or daughter, who was interested in sports, I think I would push them towards baseball.
     Have you seen the salaries out there?
     The new Cub outfielder got something like $181 million to sign with the Cubs.  MILLION!!  Pitchers getting hundreds of millions of dollars in their contracts, and pitchers who are not that great.       Sure, football has some big salaries too.  But there is the risk of a concussion, knee replacement, hip replacement, broken back, and getting your manhood squashed in a big pileup.
     Hockey players often lack teeth.  Basketball players are in a pretty safe sport, but there are less of them and your odds of making it big are far less than in baseball.
     Baseball?  A splinter could get you on the injured list.
     Think of it.  Each team has a 40 man roster.  Sure, only 25 at a time are on the big league club until September, but they have 40 people per team.  And the minor leagues?  Hundreds more.
     So many mediocre or borderline players hang on for years making $600,000 because they are not super stars, or all stars, but they do get the occasional hit., and that makes them valuable.
     Yes, most players don't make it....but you can say the same for football and basketball and any other pro sport.  Only a few make it.
     But baseball can be very rewarding as a career.
     I wonder if it is too late for me?

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