Monday, December 7, 2015

I need an occupation

I think I would like to be a weatherman

     I'd love to go on a major tv network and give the weather for the next few days.  I could tell a couple of jokes, look handsome in front of the camera.  Ok, they say the camera adds 10 pounds, but   I'll put on a corset to offset the non existent weight gain.
     I know I don't have any training....but does it matter?
     I know the forecast for today was for temps in the did that work for you?
     I was freezing my butt off most of the day!
     I always think I should write down the forecast and then compare it to reality.  I would love to do that with five or six different weathermen, or weather woman, and compare who came closest to what they said.
     I was in Chicago during the Blizzard o 67....and the forecast for that day was something like a possibility of 1-2 inches of snow.  We got 3 feet!
     I know the patterns change quickly.  All it takes is some guy in Little Rock Arkansas to sneeze and it can throw the jet stream off, bringing us warm weather or blizzards.
     I can't think of any other occupation where the acceptance rate for being wrong is so high.
     Thank heavens doctors are better.
Doctor:  Mr. Johnson, we successfully removed your left lung.  You will be fine in about 6 months, but restrict your activities.
Mr. Jonson:  My lung?  I was here for a colonoscopy!
     That would never happen.
     Oh, wait I did just think of an occupation were they can just about say anything and claim it is the truth when it isn't.
     Politician......especially those named Trump.
     I guess i should not talk badly about our next president.  I just hope Canada has  a liberal immigration policy.

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