Sunday, November 22, 2015

pardon my rant

I don't understand this Thanksgiving work thing

     I see a lot of posts about boycotting certain merchants because they are open Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving should be a day to spend with family, not have to work, say these people.
     What if people didn't work on Thanksgiving?
     Think of it!
     The NFL would have to shut down on this day so players can spend time with their wives, girlfriends and in some cases, both.  They would have to spend time with their children.  Imagine the 6 year old who wants to toss the ball around with dad but instead gets drilled by a 6'2" 320 pound lineman who doesn't know how to play nicely with a football.
     And there would not be any officials to boo, berate, yell death threats at and in some cases refer to as not very smart offspring of a human and a female dog.  Imagine how thankful these guys are after blowing a holding call that allows an 87 yard touchdown run for the opponents in the last 32 seconds of the game, resulting in a loss for your team.  Think people in the stands are giving thanks to them for their service?
     And the lost revenues in beer sales from NFL games.  I think beers are about $1,643 at a game now, plus your first born.  How would those vendors survive not working on the biggest non Super Bowl football day of the year?
    Yet there are no calls for fans to boycott watching or attending football games.  Because if there was no football, we would all have to sit around and talk to each other.
     We'd have to hear about the old days from Aunt Gert and Uncle Ernie as they talk about what life was like in 1970 when they had to live in a world without cell phones, computers, GPS systems and cable television.  They might even tell us about MAPS and how they used them to get places.
     And Old Gertie and Ernie would be lost when kids text each other saying things like:  "LOL, luk @ thos pants"   Or "OMG s at a b?  Or ""Ouch. nvm"
     It would be disaster.
     So football players and all the staff that go with the games have to work.
     All those people deep frying turkeys means fire departments have to work, otherwise the houses that catch fire from the exploding turkeys would not have firemen to put out the flames.  And EMTs have to be there to take people to hospitals for all the grease burns.
     Hospitals?  All those people who overeat and get gas then think they are having the big one would have no place to go, nor would the people truly having the big one or the ones who cut their fingers off while cutting the turkey.
      This Thanksgiving I will hold up my annual Terry Tradition of overeating, watching football, doing endless amounts of dishes and eventually collapsing in a semi coma, hopefully with an empty  wine glass in my hand.
    It's worked for years.
   But one thing I won't be doing is shopping.
   After all, I have a computer, and I know how to use it.
   Sort of.

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