Saturday, December 5, 2015

it is all happening at the zoo

I love volunteering at the zoo

     I have been volunteering since October of 08.  That is 7 years.  I generally spend about 100 hours a year volunteering...that is 25 trips.  So 700 hours of volunteering, and about 525 hours of driving time add up to over half a year of a 9-5 job.
     But it is not a job.  I volunteer.
     And this time of the season it is great to be a zoo volunteer.
     You can see the excitement in youngsters' eyes as they look at the lights and the decorated trees.
     The part of the zoo I am in is geared to youngsters under age 10..... and from now until March there is free admission to the Play Zoo.
     Kids love it.  They love petting the animals, spraying the plants and all the other activities that go on during the holiday season.
     I had out a rat snake.  (As I was taking out the rat snake, whose name is Banana, I asked if anyone knew why I was taking Banana out.  No one had any idea.  So I told them he just had appeal.  Get it?  A banana peel?  I crack myself up!)   Two little girls worked up the nerve to touch him.  They were a little uncertain, but eventually, after watching other kids touch the snake, they gently put their fingers on the snake and were amazed at how soft he felt.
     They disappeared, but came back a few minutes later with an adult who did not like snakes and would never touch one......until she did and was amazed that she had done that!  The two disappeared again and came back with another adult.....but mom would not come near the snake.
     The mom asked what animal would come out next.  I told her a guinea pig in about 10 minutes.
     When I took out the guinea pig, there were the two little girls again just itching to pet the guinea pig.  They did, and stepped aside so other kids could get a chance, and when everyone was done, they asked if they could pet her again.
     When I finished my shift, the next person brought out Dexter and the two little girls were right there, waiting to pet a rooster.
     Just seeing the excitement on their faces was payment for me.
    Yes, it's a drive.  Yes, it's a big time commitment.
    But for me, it's a mini vacation from the craziness of this world.
    I just hope I can be doing it 10 years from now.

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