Wednesday, December 30, 2015

did you miss me?

I'm going to blame last night on the cherry brandy

     We went out with the family and friends for pizza.  Ate at a really nice place in Cherry Valley.  The town looked great, with all the trees wrapped in white lights....wish Rochelle would do that.
     Anyway, I had a couple of glasses of wine with supper.
     When we got to young Steve's house, he poured me a little home made cherry brandy.
     On top of the wine, and being tired, it was enough that Jackie had to drive home.
     When we got home, I went straight to bed.  Seriously.  I was tired.
     I think that is only the second time I have missed writing in two years.  Not bad for someone who can't finish stuff.
     I would have mentioned the snow/sleet we had has posed an interesting problem.
Little Corki goes out onto the porch and pees.  Then she wanders out into the snow.
     Now, there is snow on the porch so I am guessing she just gets confused.  I often do the same thing.  Get confused, not pee on the porch.
     So tomorrow I will scrape the snow off the porch.  Maybe that will help.
     Jan. 14 will be a big day for me.  I am getting my hernia fixed.  I will be unable to drive for a while, or lift objects heavier than a gallon of milk.  That should be interesting, considering wifey's balance issues and her tendency to bend over to pick up stuff on the ground.
     If she does that when I am recovering, she will have to lie there until help arrives.  I will gladly bring her milk, but won't be able to lift her.
     I know it is not a big surgery.  But to be honest, it scares the hell out of me.  I don't like hospitals, needles, blood, incisions.....and I don't think most people do.  But other people tolerate it so much better than I do.
     I guess I never found my big boy pants.
     And honestly, why start now?
     Peace and love to all.....and tomorrow is the big day!  A new year will start.  Hope it is better than this one!

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