Sunday, December 27, 2015

baby, it's cold outside

I think the wether is changing

     I stuck my nose out the front door and it is cold!  And the wind is picking up.  Maybe the forecast for tomorrow is right, whatever it is.
     I used to look forward to winter storms.  I would make sure the wood stack was full, I would have 4 or 5 gallons of water filled.  I would put water in the bathtub.  I am convinced I could have held out two or three days.
     But now?  Not so much.
     We have a gas fireplace.  If the power goes out, we will be cold.  No wood to burn, no water saved, not any preparation done at all.
     We should at least have a gallon or two to flush with!
     City folk don't understand.  We have a well.  The well runs on electricity.  No electricity, no water.  No water, no flush.  The old motto kicks in:  If it's brown, flush er down.  If it's yellow, let it mellow.
     I guess it's never too late.  I could fill up some buckets and a gallon jug or two, just in case.
We've not actually encountered a real winter storm in the new house.  I imagine it will stay warm for a bit, and sweatshirts will be the norm.
     But I will miss the comfort a wood burning fireplace brings.
     And if the power goes, I will miss it's warmth!
     Have a safe day out there tomorrow...or rather, today.  Don't do anything stupid behind the wheel.
     Have a great Monday.

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