Tuesday, July 2, 2024


I had a pretty busy day today

    I got my hair cut, and had a massage.  Not at the same place.

    Busy, eh?

    If only my life was that simple.

    Jackie asked me to make her lunch before I went to my haircut appointment.

    I did.  Sliced up some veggies, put hummus on her plate along with a beef stick and cheese.  Put some dog treats on for Beth and even remembered Jackie's afternoon meds.

    I made her a pineapple smoothie and put that on the tray for her.

    And. then I left.

    She had to call down to Julia for Julia to bring her the lunch, which was still sitting on the kitchen counter.

    But wait, that's not all.

    We have  potpourri of food for supper.  Leftovers galore.

    Jackie had some steak, and I made broccoli for us.

    I asked her how long it had to cook.  She looked it up, told me, and I put the pan on the stove, and turned  on the stove burner.

    I never put water in the pan! I went to check if it was boiling and almost had a heart attack!  That's the kind of incident that causes house fires......pots on the stove with no water.  It was lucky I checked.

    And then there is Beth.  I forgot her in the back yard.  Again.  

    She just sat and waited patiently.

    The old me would have worried about Alzheimers.  But the new me knows I was busy doing multiple things at one time and just forgot.  I need to do one thing at a time.  One.  Uno.

    The massage was great.....my legs don't hurt as much and I am feeling better than I have in a week.

    Now I am waiting for the weather to hit.....maybe a t storm....and wondering about the hurricane in the Caribbean.... that could be a doozy!

Peace and Love

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