Monday, July 22, 2024

git up

 I didn't pick beans today

    That was my plan.

    But we did not get up until.......10:45!  I have no idea what happened.

    By the time I got Jackie up, dressed and fed, it was close to 1.  

    I planned to go pick  beans, but kept putting it off.

    At 3 I decided it was time.....and it started raining.

    It was like nature was telling me not to pick beans today.

    So I sat on the porch and read a little, had an afternoon tea, and listened to the rain.

    At around 4 Beth came out, sat on my chair with me, then went inside.

    When I sat down, I felt a little tired and closed my eyes.

    I woke up at 6:30!

    Therein lies the problem.  I take an afternoon nap and can't fall asleep at night.  Because I can't fall asleep I sleep  later in the morning and don't get to do anything.  

    Oh well, there is always tomorrow.

    I hope to pick. the beans and weed the veggies....but I have been saying that for a few days.

Peace and Love

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