Sunday, July 28, 2024

who, me?

Sometimes I think I complain too much 

    It's too hot.

    It's too cold.

    It's too rainy.

    It's too dry.

    My thumbs hurt.

    My legs hurt.

    I don't feel well.

    I'm tired.

    I'm bored.

    I'm too busy.

    I could go on and on, but you all know what I mean!

    Right now it is a combination of several of them.  My ear is still funny.  You know how a fan sounds when it is on high speed?  I hear that in my right ear, with and without my hearing aids.

    And I have a headache.  And I ate too much.  And when I went to the bathroom at 2 this morning I was dizzy.

    Complain.  Complain.  Complain.

    I guess I will call the audiologist tomorrow.  But maybe by morning it will  be ok.  Or not.  

    Our internet is still crappy.  Julia was on a work call Friday and lost contact 4 times.  I lose internet several times an hour.

    I used the Xfinity help chat, again. The AI devices eventually decided to send a human out tomorrow between 3 and 5 to try and figure it out.

    So far they have changed cords, rewired the router, laid a new line from the box to the house, resent the signal, updated Bridgemode, whatever the hell that is, but nothing seems to have changed.

    Well, again, let me correct that.  Our Xfinity bill has gone up $60 since March.  Add that to my list of complaints.

    At least today I got the damn beans picked!  Tomorrow we have to trim them, blanch them and freeze them.

    There are a lot of beans.  Could be a major project for Jackie and me.

    Finally, the Cubs traded one of my favorites.  I loved the energy Christopher Morel brought to the team.  I will miss him.

    Baseball is a business, like it or not.

Peace and Love

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