Wednesday, July 17, 2024

ho ho hum

 I am not the Jolly Green Giant

    Or farmer Brown for that matter.

    I seem to be one of the  worst gardeners in the world!

    I just spent 2 hours weeding my veggies and I am only 2/3 done.  I don't have big plots, just a lot of weeds.

    I need to weed more often.

    But the doesn't compare to the lousy looking plants!  

    My carrots have their tops chewed off, probably a deer.  The tomato plants are huge but I don't see many tomatoes.  The beans are growing, but not a lot of flowers.  The cucumbers....well, we will see what happens with those.

    But I did get a stalk of sweet corn!  Unfortunately, it was growing in the beans.  I planted 5 4 foot rows of sweet corn and got one stupid stalk.  And I planted sweet corn twice.  

    But I learned my lesson.

    Plant earlier next year.  Don't plant sweet corn.  Allow more space between tomato plants and green peppers.  Weed more often.

    While I was out there weeding, it actually felt good to get dirty.  I had some quiet moments pulling weeds and I need that once in a while.

    Hell, I need it every day.

    Jackie says I have a domestic abuse problem.

    Two nights in a row I have been hitting her in my dreams.  I vaguely remember battling pirates or zombies on a ship.  Trouble is, I actually hit her.  She yelled at me and I guess I stopped.  I honestly don't remember any of it.

    I also had another bad dream about teaching.  This time I was in a classroom at Tilton School and there was a big project night approaching.  All the classes were making neat displays and I knew nothing about it.  I kept saying I was retired and just subbing, but I was told I had to get the project done now.

    I retired in 2008.  You would think my nightmares about being in the classroom would disappear, but I seem to have them quite often.

    And my class did have a project for project night.   It was the best one of all.  It seems I had  given students plants at the start of the school year and they kept records of growth, moving them around in the classroom to see if different lighting affected the development.

    They each put their plant out and set their record book next to the plant.

    Now that I dream about it, that would have been a good project for student.

    16 years too late.

Peace and Love

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