Saturday, July 13, 2024


We ventured into the city for a play today 

    We saw Six, a musical history lesson on Henry VIII and his wives.

    The show was pretty darn good!  The six females were energetic, talented in dance and song, and pretty neat to watch.

    Five of us went, but we did not sit together.  Julia and Emily originally got tickets, then Jackie and I decided we wanted to go and so did our friend Renee.  So Julia  and Emily sat downstairs while the 3 of us had a handicap seating area in the dress circle level.  Whatever that means.

    After the show we walked over to the Elephant and Castle for dinner.  Friends John and Kathy joined us and again, it was a great experience just talking and visiting.

    The restaurant is a mock up British pub.  There was a traditional British food menu, so I had fish and chips.  When we were in London and Liverpool last summer, I had them and I think it was better there because, well, it was England.

    By the way, in England  they used to serve the fare in rolled up newspaper, but I understand Covid put an end to that quaint tradition.  Now the food is served on heavy paper plates.

    In front of the theater there was a woman singing.  She had a mic, some amps, speakers, and CDs with background music.  Her voice was amazing.  I dropped a couple of bucks in her bucket.  Now, there were a LOT of people sitting on sidewalks holding signs that said things like homeless, need food for my children, help me.....and I did not drop a coin in any of those.

     But a street performer?  Even the kids banging on plastic buckets get a couple of bucks from me.

    Anyway, coming out of the show she was still there, singing away.  

    I asked her if she also sang at the Christmas market and she said yes.  I told her I thought so, because when I heard her then I was impressed by the voice.

    We missed the big excitement back home.  Seems a heavy wind came through. the area, knocking down a couple of trees and destroying an office at a crop research facility.

    I only hope dogBeth was not tormented by the weather alert going off and no one home to shut it off.

    Friend Sheri came and let Beth out for us, and also let Emily's dogs out.  

    And we had friend Kimberly on stand by in case Jackie woke up not feeling well enough to go.  

    But it all worked was a great day.

Peace and Love


Not Six

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