Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 Sometimes I just can't get motivated

    Today was one of those days.

    We got up late, Jackie wasn't feeling well, and the day just got away from me.

    Sure, I went to the store.  Again.

    I swear....I probably go to the store every day!  Sometimes I think I do just to get out of the house for a while.

    Ran into an old friend who has had lots of medical issues.  He was wearing a shirt that was blue on the top and orange on the bottom.

    Now, those are Chicago Bears colors and he is a Green Bay fan.  I gave him a little guff about that, and he showed me his artificial leg, which has a Packer tdesign. 

    I cooked pork chops for supper.  Jackie said she just wanted a little of the chop and some applesauce.

    I went into the pantry and ..... no apple sauce.  Damn, I was just at the store.

    I decided o make a mojito and went to find my natural sugar and it was gone.  I was just at the store.

    I made one anyway and sipped away while the chops burned on the grill.

    Julia made the Mac and cheese and supper turned out pretty tasty.  And so was the mojito!

    Maybe tomorrow I will get something on last weekend's list done.

    But I am not real optimistic.

Peace and Love

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