Sunday, July 14, 2024

it's wet

 I would like the rain to stop

    Wonder why?

    Here's why:

    This is the basement of Julia's house.

    Currently we are in a severe thunderstorm warning, with heavy rains expected.  The area just a little south of us has a tornado warning until 9.

    To say this is all unnerving to me would be an understatement.

    My stomach hurts.  I have made at least 10 trips from the den to the bedroom to listen to the latest alerts, which almost always are north of us.

    I eat.  I worry.  I watch out the windows.  I don't like severe weather.

    And all this rain will not make Julia's basement dry.  Until it dries, they can't start serious work on the footings and foundation.  Some areas around us are getting 1 to 2 inches an hour!

    Nature can be a n uncooperative  entity.

    We had a storm with hail overnight, but I did not hear it!  I slept through most of it, but I did briefly wake up because the rain sounded really hard.  Jackie and Julia said that was hail.  I went back to sleep.

    I don't have much else to say, so that's it.

Peace and Love

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