Sunday, July 7, 2024


 I did nothing today

Nada.  Zilch.  Zero.

    I let Emily's dogs out about 1:30, and let them all back in this time.  I seem to have missed one yesterday.

    When I came home I got Jackie some lunch then sat down to read on the porch.

    At some point I fell into a semi sleep.

    You know, you think you are awake but you may be asleep.

    A fly kept buzzing me, I kept swatting it.  Gnats kept trying to get in my ears and I kept pushing them away.  My leg cramped up.

    But through all this, I know I fell asleep.  

    I went into house after a while and sat in my chair.  Next thing I knew, it was supper time

    No putting new locks in.

    No airing up the bike tires.

    No putting the new thing together.

    I guess that's why tomorrows were invented.

    I hope to get at least 2 of those tasks accomplished.


    Unless I nap, again.

Peace and Love

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