Thursday, July 11, 2024

odd thoughts

 Just a few odds and ends from my cluttered mind

    14 years ago on this date Dan and I were at a Cub game.  They won, and we held up the W flag.  People saw us on TV!

   Staying on the baseball theme, a White Sox pitcher recorded 3 outs on 9 thrown balls, all strikes, in a game Wednesday.  That is called an "Immaculate" inning and is less common than hitting for the cycle.  The last White Soxer to do it Wass Sloppy Thorsen in 1923.  Curious how he got that nickname!

    I was mailing a letter to someone who has a the letter b in their name.

    When I first addressed the envelope, I wrote d instead of b.

    I got another envelope.  and wrote d instead of b.

    Third tine was the charm. 

    I remember my students sometimes reversed the letters when printing.  I guess I am not smarter than a fifth grader after all.

    Music sometimes makes me wish for the old days.

    When Elvis sang Return to Sender, letters were delivered that day and returned the next!  Now that process could take weeks.

    But then the Beatles  were way off base when they sang, "I'd rather see you dead little girl than to be with another man."  I don't think that song would do well today, and it shouldn't.

    There is construction going on by our high school, and the main entrance has been closed for a couple of weeks.  The signal at that corner has been flashing red instead of going through the red, yellow, green sequence.  It makes no sense, because there is no traffic crossing Flagg Road!  One side is where the construction is, and the other side is a church.

    Making it even stranger is today signs went up telling motorists they need to stop for a flashing red light.

    Really?  What kind of idiots are driving that don't know that?

    By the way, I did watch 2 cars breeze through the intersection not even bothering to slow down.  

    They must not have read the sign.

Peace and Love

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