Thursday, July 4, 2024

grouchy old man

 I tend to be a bit of a grouch on July 4

    The holiday is great.  It's the people that are not.

    It is against the law to shoot off fireworks in Illinois unless you are licensed.

    But people can go to Indiana, or Wisconsin, load up with a bunch of fireworks and shoot them off at all hours of the night.  

    I remember reading once, "Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should."  Or something like that.

    But for some reason, there are people who don't think that applies to them.

    I don't think the celebration of the founding of our country means you are free to do anything you like.  People still have to obey the rules, follow the laws, and be good neighbors.

    That applies to fireworks and the 2 yahoos that just went through our retention pond on their ATVs.  

    My guess is some of those people are ones who feel they can do whatever they want, but want to control how people dress, worship, and what they do with their bodies.

    Everyone says they support law enforcement.

    And that is great.  Just stop breaking the law when you say it.

    We had a nice Fourth.....grilled out, had friends and neighbors over....drank some wine.  It  was a pleasant time with good people.

    And none of us shot off fireworks.

Peace and Love

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