Tuesday, July 23, 2024

confession time

 I seen to have developed an addiction

    Don't panic!  

    It's not a drug or anything like that.

    It's Triscuits.

    I know!  You might think potato chips or Oreos, but no....Truscuits.

    I didn't even know what they were.  I had to ask one of the girls what the name of those little square crackers that we had at Christmas.  

    After I learned Triscuits, I have bought a few boxes.  And eaten a few.  Truthfully, more than a few.   A lot.

    Yes, it is a more healthy snack than a lot of stuff.  According to the website, there are 120 calories in 6 crackers, but they are whole wheat so they are better than other crackers.

    The website also said this cracker was invented in 1900, making it 124 years old!  

    I did not know you could invent a cracker.

    I also discovered today I don't know beans.

    Let me rephrase that.  I don't know about beans.  I don't know when they are ready to pick.  I keep thinking they are not quite ready, but Jackie said they looked good.  So I guess tomorrow I will go pick some so we can blanche and freeze them.

    Ever get really bothered by a tv commercial?

    I have seen a Lincoln commercial where a man and a woman are sitting in a car, she says "ready" and they run and jump off a steep cliff.

    I have no idea what that has to do with the vehicle, but my problem is I don't know how the people get out of the water!  It's a steep cliff!  Sheer walls!

    Now maybe there is a footpath or something, but I like to think they ended up being rescued by a helicopter.

    I know, it's a commercial.  Those are not supposed to reflect life.

    Finally, I have a bur oak that is in distress.  According the to U of I plant clinic, it has a fungus of some sort that does not have a cure.  It also has galls, which are not a problem.  The biggest concern is that it is planted too deep.

    I did not know you could plant a tree too deeply in the soil.

    The report said the planting issue does not surface for 10-12 years after planting.  This tree has been in about 10.

    It was recommended I prune out the dead branches when the tree goes dormant.  I should also fertilize it in the spring and make sure it gets water during dry periods.

    Not much I can do, otherwise.

     And I love that tree.

Peace and Love

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