Monday, July 8, 2024


Do things really happen in threes? 

    I experienced a weird triangle of events today/

     I mean three unrelated, unconnected, and unwanted events.

    Like all the smoke detectors going off at 5:30 in the morning!

    I ran out into the living room, Julia ran out into the living room, and Jackie was left in bed.

    The alarms went off for a bout 2 minutes.  Beth went out the front door and a tiny voice said, "Fire!  Alert!  Fire!"  I did not know I had a talking smoke alarm.

    I checked all over the smell, no evidence of fire, no smoke.....and then the alarms went quiet.

    In hindsight, my first response should have been to get Jackie into a wheelchair and out of the house, then look for evidence of a fire and calling 911.

    But we didn't do that.

    Later I called the fire station and explained what happened.  The person said they had no clue, but if it happens again call them and they will come out and check.

    I know all the detectors are hard wired with battery back ups and they are all connected.  When one goes off, they all go off.

    I wonder if the basement detector, which is also a CO-2 device, picked up a hint of something and went off, triggering all its friends.

    Power surge?  Freak of nature? Just one of those things?

    It sure did wake me up and made it hard to get back to sleep.

    Surprise number 2 was next.  No internet.  Or cable.  Or landline phone.  I could not read the paper on line, Julia could not work, Jackie could not use her tablet.......after 3 hours it came back.

    While the internet was down, I grabbed a book to read and dropped my glasses, causing the a lens to come out.

    That was number 3 in the terrible three triangle.

    Instead of putting the locks on the doors, I drove over to Sterling to get my glasses repaired.  It's about a 30 mile drive each way, which isn't too bad.  It's just that it happened.  And yes, I. tried fixing them myself, but I could not.

    I got back a little after 2 and took a nap.  Then I started. reading the directions for installing the door locks.  Had to read it 3 times for it to make any sense, then I realized I was looking at the Spanish side.

    Maybe Wednesday.

Peace and Love

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