Monday, July 15, 2024

I am beat

I am so drained right now

    It is not anything I did today.  Far from it.

    It's. the fear of storms.  I have been worrying all day and when the alarm started sounding tonight, I was in quite a state.

    I told Julia about the tornado warning for us and she stayed in the basement with Beth.  I wheeled Jackie into our guest bathroom and then proceeded to go to the front, side, back over and over again, watching the sky.

    I don't know why the storms affect me so.  I have been that way ever since moving out here.

    For a tornado warning we should go to the basement, but I can't get Jackie down the  stairs.  So we go into the bathroom, which is an interior room.  

    Julia and I did go to Emily's to let the dogs out before the storm and then started moving them downstairs to her safe room.  Luckily she got home in time to get the reluctant ones down and caged to wait out the storm.

    Anyway, the whole day took an emotional toll.  

    It is still thundering and lightning, but the worst of the weather is long gone.  Just hope other folks are not impacted by the storm.

Peace and Love


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