Thursday, July 18, 2024

catching worms

 I was an early bird today

    But I don't have worms.  

    At least I don't think I do, but you never know. 

    As a kid I was terrified of developing tape worms.  I would look at pictures and look in encyclopedias for information.l. I was always afraid one would come out my butt.

    Then, when I was older, I heard about guinea worms.  People get these from drinking contaminated water.  The worm may spend up to a year in your body then emerges from a blister like bubble on your skin.  OMG!!

    But I digress.

    I was to be at the local radio station at 8 a.m.  Tom McDermott, lifelong Rochelle resident, city council member, and historian for the local museum, wrote a book dealing with Rochelle's history. It really is a neat read and tells a lot about the quiet heroes in our midst.

    So Tom and I were there for an interview, although in all honesty I did not have much to contribute, especially at 8 a.m.

    I got home about 8:40, Jackie was still  asleep, so I lay down in bed, figuring she would wake in a little while.

    11:30.   That's when she woke up and then woke me. 

    Needless to say, not a lot got done around her today.  

    She had a library board meeting at 7, so I had to cook supper early so we could eat before the meeting.

    When I got home, I was happy to see Julia had done the dishes.  So I sat out on the patio with a glass of wine and watched the sky turn red.

    Even though I did nothing, again, I feel drained, mentally and physically.  

    I feel like I could sleep another 12 hours......but I will settle for 8/

Peace and Love

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