Saturday, July 20, 2024


 Talk about a lousy night!

    After we got home from dinner last night, I wrote my usual drivel but forgot to post it.  I don't know how. that happened, but it did.  I was tired.

    I had a coffee at about 3.  This was a cold brew, which may be a factor.

    I know at dinner I had 2 beers, unusual for me.  Since Julia was driving I figured I was ok to have 2.

    I ended up going to bed about 11:30.

    I heard the cuckoo go off at 12, 12:30, 1.....  I got up for the 2 beer bathroom evacuation time and it was about 2.  The cuckoo ent off at 3.  Then 4.

    I was still awake.

    It was after 4 when I finally fell asleep, only to have Jackie wake me at 9.

    I was really tired.  Very tired.

    I think that is why I lost my grip on her moving her from the bed to her chair.

    Her top half was on the bed, sliding off, I had her feet and was yelling for Julia.  She came in and the two of us were able to lift her back onto the bed.

    That was not an ideal way to start the day.

    The rest of the day went fine.  Camryn came over for a visit and we ended up getting pizza.

    But I did not get a nap.  I think. tonight I will sleep soundly, if I can make it to bed.

    Jackie may be on her own.

Peace and Love

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