Friday, July 12, 2024

Call me Billy Bob

I have turned into a redneck 

    No, I don't like NASCAR (sorry Beth), country music, line dancing, moonshine, or have a 1973 Plymouth Dusters up on cinder blocks in the front yard.

    Wait....that may not be PC.  Oh well.

    I mean a redneck, or more precisely a person with a red neck.

    I mowed today.  The sun was bright.  I put suntan lotion on my face, arms, hands.....but I forgot the back of my neck and now it is a little red.

    So, I am a redneck.

    I went to the store again.  This time I made a list and thought hard about what we needed.

    But, and there's that big butt again, I was supposed to buy something but could not remember.  So it did not get on the list.

    I said to Jackie as I was leaving, "I know there was something we needed, but I can't remember."

    Went shopping, stopped  for a coffee, got home, and the first thing I was asked was ...  "Did you get applesauce?" 

    Damn!  That was supposed to go on the list.

    "What about the ........?"

    Damn, that was supposed to go on the list too.

    I did go to Starbucks today.  It was late, and Cypress House was closed....I think.

    A lady sitting at a table near the pick up area said "Hi, Terry." 

    I was a little flummoxed with my order for some reason, and just said hi back.

    When I went to the pick up area I saw my friend Dana, whom I have not seen in person for a long time.  We spent a few minutes catching up and agreed to get together soon. 

    I really hope we seems I have a lot of people in my life I value, but I don't get to visit or spend time with them.

    And that is sad.

    So...let's get together!

Peace and Love

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