Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Day 3

 I am tired of this

    The constant dizziness, nausea, unsteadiness......I walk like a drunk!

    I ate supper tonight.  That was the only meal I had because I was just not hungry.  And my head feels like it is going to explode!

    One good thing is I see the ear specialist tomorrow.  My appointment is at 11, meaning we  have to get up early.  Jackie has to go with, because she has a doc appointment at 1.  Both are in DeKalb.  I don't think I can go, then cone back home and get her and make it for the 1 o'clock.

    Even though I feel like crap, I was not idle today.

    We cut up beans and then I blanched them and froze them.  We ended up with 2-1 gallon bags.  But the beans are pretty small.  My little friend Sam had much bigger ones from her garden!  I think I planted too late and ignored the dry spells.  Oh well.

    I also picked up all our goods from Pickin Station today.  We have decided not to keep the booth, mainly because my partner is moving and I don't have the eye for detail that she does.

    It was a good experiment.  I guess.

    Undermining all this is the "feel like crap" feeling.  I am better in the mid afternoon than I am in the morning or at night.

    Watching the Cubs brings no relief, either.

    I always hope tomorrow is better.

Peace and Love

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