Tuesday, July 16, 2024

who did that?

 From dust I came......

    So, I was waiting for an appointment today when I discovered I had committed a faux pas.

    Yesterday I went to Julia’s lot to check out the water.  It was muddy.  My shoes got  muddy.

    I realized today I had put on the muddy shoes.  I was sitting in a space that had just been cleaned when I noticed a pile of dirt forming on the floor.

    My shoes were caked with mud.  It  had dried, and was falling off.

    So, I scraped it around as best I could to disperse the pile, but realized I still had a lot of mud on my shoes.

    I improvised.

    Going outside, I found a puddle from yesterday's rain.  I stepped in it, wiggled my feet around, and cleand off my shoes.

    Problem solved.

    I then sat in a different chair.

    That was the highlight of the day.  

    When I got home after the store in the afternoon, I sat down to read and 2 hours later woke up.

    I have noticed that if I don't get enough sleep, my muscles hurt.    Is there a connection?  Or is it my imagination?

    I am trying to get to bed sooner, and drinking more water, which makes an uninterrupted night of sleep pretty darn difficult when you hit 70 + years.

    The other down side is it is near bedtime and I am wide awake, full of energy, and raring to go.

    I just don't know where I am going.

Peace and Love

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