Friday, July 5, 2024

out and out

 This has been a strange power day

    Our electricity has gone out 4 times!

    It goes for a few seconds, then comes back.

    But twice the generator kicked on, which only happens when the power is off 15 seconds.  At first I thought someone was mowing, but realized the generator was running.

    I was sitting on the patio the last time it went.  Just before the lights went out, a huge hawk swooped down and landed on the roof right above my head!  That was pretty cool to see.  It took off within seconds, probably because it did not see a ground squirrel to feast upon.

    Besides losing internet, the most frustrating part about a power loss  is resetting the 2 clocks in the kitchen.  I never get them to have the same time.

    I tested my strength today by lifting 480 pounds!

    I did!  Really!!

    Our field, which could be like Seward's Folly, has two huge dips which almost cause me t o fly off. the mower when I hit them.

    I have been gradually filling them it and today I bought 12 bags of top soil, each bag weighing 40 pounds..... so that was 480 pounds!

    I took four bags at a time on the golf cart, dumped the dirt and raked it.  Tomorrow I may mow to see if that has smoothed out the rough spots.

    Rochelle is doing its fireworks tonight.

    Whatever the reason, I just don't feel the urge/desire/want to go watch.  Neither does Jackie.

    I did not see them last year either, because I was in Switzerland for the Fourth.  I didn't miss them last year either.

    I wonder if it is age, or just a general lack of enthusiasm because. they are not on the actual Fourth.

    Last night some people were shooting them off near our neighborhood and little Beth got a bit panicked.  She would not go out for me at bedtime, so I left her in Julia's room.  She would not even get off the bed.

    Hopefully she will be better tonight.

    Happy Fifth of July!

Peace and love

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