Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Something strange happened today

    First of all, I was up before 9.  That in itself is pretty darn unusual.

    I did not sleep very well, I don't think.  I feel like I fell asleep, woke up, and could not go back to sleep right away.  But, maybe that is my imagination.

    In any case, VCCT had a work day today.

    I went about 10:30 to help take down and move some shelves from a now defunct grocery store.

    I was there about a little over an hour and started to feel light headed.  Yes, I was hot.  But I was also not hearing well.

    I went home, and took out my hearing aids, then put them back in.  I was still not hearing well out of my right ear.

    I took them out again and discovered I could not hear anything in my right ear!  All sound was muffled.

    That was perplexing.

    I still don't feel like I hear enough in the right ear, so I will call the doctor Monday.

    My first thought is I never put my hearing aids in after I shower.  I always wait a couple of hours.  But today, they went in after about 30 minutes.  I wonder if I had water in my ear and now have plugged the sucker up. 

    At least I hope that is the problem.

    And no, I did not pick the damn beans.  I basically sat in a chair for a couple of hours, eventually taking a nap.

    Friends came for dinner and we played cards.

    I told them they had to speak up.


Peace and Love

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