Wednesday, July 3, 2024

honored ?

 I was honored today

    I do believe this is a once in a lifetime honor.  I am thrilled.  I am thankful to be recognized in this way.

    I went into Cypress House for a Dark Side of the Moon, or as I call it, a Pink Floyd.

    I walked in just as the staff was ending a discussion on bridesmaids.

    The topic seemed to be, what customer would you pick for a bridesmaid?

    Amy picked me.

    I accepted the honor and showed the moves I would make going down the aisle at church, in the woods, or in a judge's  office.

    I must say, I was impressive!

    Now, I was told there is no actually wedding, all of this was purely conjecture.

    But I was still honored.

    I just wish I had gotten a crown or something.

    Anyway, I can not go to the store anymore.

    I went to the butcher's for some brats and hamburger.

    I walked out with over $100 of product.  I just got carried away!

    Then I went to Walmart and spent another $70!  I was stunned.

    In fact, I was so stunned I got home and re-added the bill on my calculator.  The computer was right, as it always is.

    I even stopped to visit Dan and Linda when I was in Creston.  I only stayed for a little while, but it was nice to catch up.

    Speaking of which, I forgot to buy ketchup.  And bananas.  

    But at least I did not lose the mower, dog or my keys today.

    Have a safe and happy Fourth.

Peace and Love

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